
Nontoxic In Vivo Clearable Nanoparticle Clusters for Theranostic Applications

Pranjali Yadav, Mimansa, Rafika Munawara, Kanchan Kapoor, Shubhra Chaturvedi, Kamalakannan Kailasam, Samir Kumar Biswas, Dhirendra Bahadur, Rohit Srivastava, Anil Kumar Mishra, others

ACS Biomaterials Science \& Engineering, American Chemical Society, 2022

Nontoxic in Vivo Clearable Nanoparticle Clusters for Theranostic Applications

P. Yadav, Mimansa, R. Munawara, K. Kapoor, S. Chaturvedi, K. Kailasam, S.K. Biswas, D. Bahadur, R. Srivastava, A.K. Mishra, A. Shanavas

ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering, 2021

Photodynamic therapy using graphene quantum dot derivatives

Satyaprakash Ahirwar, Sudhanshu Mallick, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 282, Academic Press, 2020, p. 121107

Photodynamic therapy using graphene quantum dot derivatives

S. Ahirwar, S. Mallick, D. Bahadur

Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 282, 2020

Highly efficient zinc oxide-reduced graphene oxide nanohybrids for photocatalytic degradation of dye under dark and UV light

Anand Prakash, Sarika Singh, Jagriti Gupta, D Bahadur

Materials Research Express, vol. 6, IOP Publishing, 2020, pp. 1250b1

Influence of the Cu2ZnSnS4 nanoparticles size on solar cell performance

Balakrishna Ananthoju, Jeotikanta Mohapatra, D Bahadur, NV Medhekar, M Aslam

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 189, North-Holland, 2019, pp. 125--132

Influence of the Cu2ZnSnS4 nanoparticles size on solar cell performance

B. Ananthoju, J. Mohapatra, D. Bahadur, N.V. Medhekar, M. Aslam

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 189, 2019, pp. 125-132

Modulation in band gap and efficient charge separation in Cd substituted ZnO quantum dots with enhanced photocatalytic and antibacterial activity

Jagriti Gupta, Dhirendra Bahadur

Materials Research Express, vol. 6, IOP Publishing, 2019, p. 045058

Fabrication of an amyloid fibril-palladium nanocomposite: a sustainable catalyst for C--H activation and the electrooxidation of ethanol

Ramasamy Jayarajan, Rakesh Kumar, Jagriti Gupta, Gayathri Dev, Pradeep Kadu, Debdeep Chatterjee, Dhirendra Bahadur, Debabrata Maiti, Samir K Maji

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, vol. 7, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019, pp. 4486--4493

Fabrication of an amyloid fibril-palladium nanocomposite: A sustainable catalyst for C-H activation and the electrooxidation of ethanol

R. Jayarajan, R. Kumar, J. Gupta, G. Dev, P. Kadu, D. Chatterjee, D. Bahadur, D. Maiti, S.K. Maji

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, vol. 7, 2019, pp. 4486-4493

Spectroscopic monitoring of the evolution of size and structural defects in kinetic growth of CdSe quantum dots

D. Kushavah, P.K. Mohapatra, P. Ghosh, P. Vasa, D. Bahadur, B.P. Singh

Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 9, 2019, pp. 237-246

Spectroscopic monitoring of the evolution of size and structural defects in kinetic growth of CdSe quantum dots

Dushyant Kushavah, PK Mohapatra, Pintu Ghosh, P Vasa, D Bahadur, BP Singh

Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 9, Elsevier, 2019, pp. 237--246

Highly efficient zinc oxide-reduced graphene oxide nanohybrids for photocatalytic degradation of dye under dark and UV light

A. Prakash, S. Singh, J. Gupta, D. Bahadur

Materials Research Express, vol. 6, 2019

Polymeric Core-Shell Combinatorial Nanomedicine for Synergistic Anticancer Therapy

A. Shanavas, N.K. Jain, N. Kaur, D. Thummuri, M. Prasanna, R. Prasad, V.G.M. Naidu, D. Bahadur, R. Srivastava

ACS Omega, 2019

Polymeric core--shell combinatorial nanomedicine for synergistic anticancer therapy

Asifkhan Shanavas, Nishant K Jain, Navneet Kaur, Dinesh Thummuri, Maruthi Prasanna, Rajendra Prasad, Vegi Ganga Modi Naidu, Dhirendra Bahadur, Rohit Srivastava

ACS omega, vol. 4, American Chemical Society, 2019, pp. 19614--19622

Highly efficient and reusable dendritic Fe3O4 magnetic nanoadsorbent for inhibition of bacterial growth

Sarika Singh, D Bahadur

Surfaces and Interfaces, vol. 17, Elsevier, 2019, p. 100348

Tin oxide quantum dots embedded iron oxide composite as efficient lead sensor

D. Dutta, D. Bahadur

AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1942, 2018

Tin oxide quantum dots embedded iron oxide composite as efficient lead sensor

Dipa Dutta, Dhirendra Bahadur

AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1942, AIP Publishing LLC, 2018, p. 050076

Ag nanodots decorated SiO2 coated ZnO core-shell nanostructure with enhanced luminescence property as potential imaging agent

Jagriti Gupta, KC Barick, PA Hassan, Dhirendra Bahadur

AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1942, AIP Publishing LLC, 2018, p. 050132

Superparamagnetic iron oxide-reduced graphene oxide nanohybrid-a vehicle for targeted drug delivery and hyperthermia treatment of cancer

Jagriti Gupta, Anand Prakash, Manish K Jaiswal, Atanuu Agarrwal, D Bahadur

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 448, North-Holland, 2018, pp. 332--338

Ag nanodots decorated SiO2 coated ZnO core-shell nanostructure with enhanced luminescence property as potential imaging agent

J. Gupta, K.C. Barick, P.A. Hassan, D. Bahadur

AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1942, 2018

Superparamagnetic iron oxide-reduced graphene oxide nanohybrid-a vehicle for targeted drug delivery and hyperthermia treatment of cancer

J. Gupta, A. Prakash, M.K. Jaiswal, A. Agarrwal, D. Bahadur

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 448, 2018, pp. 332-338

Studies on drug release kinetics and antibacterial activity against drug-resistant bacteria of cefotaxime sodium loaded layered double hydroxide-fenugreek nanohybrid

E.P. Komarala, S. Doshi, S. Thiyagarajan, M. Aslam, D. Bahadur

New Journal of Chemistry, vol. 42, 2018, pp. 129-136

Studies on drug release kinetics and antibacterial activity against drug-resistant bacteria of cefotaxime sodium loaded layered double hydroxide--fenugreek nanohybrid

Eswaravara Prasadarao Komarala, Sejal Doshi, Shankar Thiyagarajan, Mohammed Aslam, Dhirendra Bahadur

New Journal of Chemistry, vol. 42, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2018, pp. 129--136

Enzymatic and non-enzymatic electrochemical glucose sensor based on carbon nano-onions

J. Mohapatra, B. Ananthoju, V. Nair, A. Mitra, D. Bahadur, N.V. Medhekar, M. Aslam

Applied Surface Science, vol. 442, 2018, pp. 332-341

Enzymatic and non-enzymatic electrochemical glucose sensor based on carbon nano-onions

Jeotikanta Mohapatra, Balakrishna Ananthoju, Vishnu Nair, Arijit Mitra, D Bahadur, NV Medhekar, M Aslam

Applied Surface Science, vol. 442, North-Holland, 2018, pp. 332--341

Doxorubicin-loaded dendritic-Fe3O4 supramolecular nanoparticles for magnetic drug targeting and tumor regression in spheroid murine melanoma model

Saumya Nigam, D Bahadur

Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, vol. 14, Elsevier, 2018, pp. 759--768

Doxorubicin-loaded dendritic-Fe3O4 supramolecular nanoparticles for magnetic drug targeting and tumor regression in spheroid murine melanoma model

S. Nigam, D. Bahadur

Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, vol. 14, 2018, pp. 759-768

Mesoporous lipid-silica nanohybrids for folate-targeted drug-resistant ovarian cancer

Sayan Samanta, Lina Pradhan, D Bahadur

New Journal of Chemistry, vol. 42, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2018, pp. 2804--2814

Mesoporous lipid-silica nanohybrids for folate-targeted drug-resistant ovarian cancer

S. Samanta, L. Pradhan, D. Bahadur

New Journal of Chemistry, vol. 42, 2018, pp. 2804-2814

Embelin-mediated green synthesis of quasi-spherical and star-shaped plasmonic nanostructures for antibacterial activity, photothermal therapy, and computed tomographic imaging

Sisini Sasidharan, Radhika Poojari, Dhirendra Bahadur, Rohit Srivastava

ACS Sustainable Chemistry \& Engineering, vol. 6, American Chemical Society, 2018, pp. 10562--10577

Embelin-Mediated Green Synthesis of Quasi-Spherical and Star-Shaped Plasmonic Nanostructures for Antibacterial Activity, Photothermal Therapy, and Computed Tomographic Imaging

S. Sasidharan, R. Poojari, D. Bahadur, R. Srivastava

ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, vol. 6, 2018, pp. 10562-10577

The role of reduced graphene oxide on the electrochemical activity of MFe2O4 (M= Fe, Co, Ni and Zn) nanohybrids

Shravan Suresh, Anand Prakash, D Bahadur

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 448, North-Holland, 2018, pp. 43--51

The role of reduced graphene oxide on the electrochemical activity of MFe2O4 (M = Fe, Co, Ni and Zn) nanohybrids

S. Suresh, A. Prakash, D. Bahadur

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 448, 2018, pp. 43-51

Investigating the role of different reducing agents, molar ratios, and synthesis medium over the formation of ZnO nanostructures and their photo-catalytic activity

Debika Devi Thongam, Jagriti Gupta, Niroj Kumar Sahu, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of materials science, vol. 53, Springer US, 2018, pp. 1110--1122

Electrochemical method to prepare graphene quantum dots and graphene oxide quantum dots

Satyaprakash Ahirwar, Sudhanshu Mallick, Dhirendra Bahadur

ACS omega, vol. 2, American Chemical Society, 2017, pp. 8343--8353

Electrochemical Method to Prepare Graphene Quantum Dots and Graphene Oxide Quantum Dots

S. Ahirwar, S. Mallick, D. Bahadur

ACS Omega, vol. 2, 2017, pp. 8343-8353

Molecular-Level Insights into the Stability of Aqueous Graphene Oxide Dispersions

P. Bansal, A.S. Panwar, D. Bahadur

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 121, 2017, pp. 9847-9859

Molecular-level insights into the stability of aqueous graphene oxide dispersions

Prerna Bansal, Ajay Singh Panwar, Dhirendra Bahadur

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 121, American Chemical Society, 2017, pp. 9847--9859

Porous Fe3O4-SiO2 core-shell nanorods as high-performance MRI contrast agent and drug delivery vehicle

M.S. Beg, J. Mohapatra, L. Pradhan, D. Patkar, D. Bahadur

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 428, 2017, pp. 340-347

Porous Fe3O4-SiO2 core-shell nanorods as high-performance MRI contrast agent and drug delivery vehicle

Muhammad Shahbaz Beg, Jeotikanta Mohapatra, Lina Pradhan, D Patkar, D Bahadur

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 428, North-Holland, 2017, pp. 340--347

Magnetically engineered SnO2 quantum dots as a bimodal agent for optical and magnetic resonance imaging

D. Dutta, J. Gupta, D. Thakur, D. Bahadur

Materials Research Express, vol. 4, 2017

Magnetically engineered SnO2 quantum dots as a bimodal agent for optical and magnetic resonance imaging

Dipa Dutta, Jagriti Gupta, Dinbandhu Thakur, Dhirendra Bahadur

Materials Research Express, vol. 4, IOP Publishing, 2017, p. 125005

Biocompatibility and therapeutic evaluation of magnetic liposomes designed for self-controlled cancer hyperthermia and chemotherapy

Manashjit Gogoi, Manish K Jaiswal, Haladhar Dev Sarma, Dhirendra Bahadur, Rinti Banerjee

Integrative biology, vol. 9, Oxford University Press, 2017, pp. 555--565

Biocompatibility and therapeutic evaluation of magnetic liposomes designed for self-controlled cancer hyperthermia and chemotherapy

M. Gogoi, M.K. Jaiswal, H.D. Sarma, D. Bahadur, R. Banerjee

Integrative Biology (United Kingdom), vol. 9, 2017, pp. 555-565

Visible light sensitive mesoporous cu-substituted zno nanoassembly for enhanced photocatalysis, bacterial inhibition, and noninvasive tumor regression

Jagriti Gupta, D Bahadur

ACS Sustainable Chemistry \& Engineering, vol. 5, American Chemical Society, 2017, pp. 8702--8709

Visible light driven mesoporous Ag-embedded ZnO nanocomposites: reactive oxygen species enhanced photocatalysis, bacterial inhibition and photodynamic therapy

Jagriti Gupta, Jeotikanta Mohapatra, D Bahadur

Dalton Transactions, vol. 46, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2017, pp. 685--696

Dual responsive magnetic composite nanogels for thermo-chemotherapy

S Indulekha, P Arunkumar, D Bahadur, R Srivastava

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, vol. 155, Elsevier, 2017, pp. 304--313

Dual responsive magnetic composite nanogels for thermo-chemotherapy

S. Indulekha, P. Arunkumar, D. Bahadur, R. Srivastava

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, vol. 155, 2017, pp. 304-313

NIR absorbing Au nanoparticle decorated layered double hydroxide nanohybrids for photothermal therapy and fluorescence imaging of cancer cells

E.P. Komarala, H. Tyagi, S. Thiyagarajan, L. Pradhan, M. Aslam, D. Bahadur

Journal of Materials Chemistry B, vol. 5, 2017, pp. 3852-3861

NIR absorbing Au nanoparticle decorated layered double hydroxide nanohybrids for photothermal therapy and fluorescence imaging of cancer cells

EswaraVara Prasadarao Komarala, Himanshu Tyagi, Shankar Thiyagarajan, Lina Pradhan, Mohammed Aslam, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of Materials Chemistry B, vol. 5, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2017, pp. 3852--3861

Ice-templating synthesis of macroporous noble metal/3D-graphene nanocomposites: Their fluorescence lifetimes and catalytic study

P. Kumar Sahoo, B. Panigrahy, D. Thakur, D. Bahadur

New Journal of Chemistry, vol. 41, 2017, pp. 7861-7869

Photoluminescence characteristics of CdSe quantum dots: Role of exciton-phonon coupling and defect/trap states

D. Kushavah, P.K. Mohapatra, P. Ghosh, M. Singh, P. Vasa, D. Bahadur, B.P. Singh

Materials Research Express, vol. 4, 2017

Photoluminescence characteristics of CdSe quantum dots: role of exciton--phonon coupling and defect/trap states

Dushyant Kushavah, PK Mohapatra, Pintu Ghosh, Mamraj Singh, P Vasa, D Bahadur, BP Singh

Materials Research Express, vol. 4, IOP Publishing, 2017, p. 075007

Dendrimer-conjugated iron oxide nanoparticles as stimuli-responsive drug carriers for thermally-activated chemotherapy of cancer

Saumya Nigam, Dhirendra Bahadur

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, vol. 155, Elsevier, 2017, pp. 182--192

Dendrimer-conjugated iron oxide nanoparticles as stimuli-responsive drug carriers for thermally-activated chemotherapy of cancer

S. Nigam, D. Bahadur

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, vol. 155, 2017, pp. 182-192

Targeted magnetic liposomes loaded with doxorubicin

P. Pradhan, R. Banerjee, D. Bahadur, C. Koch, O. Mykhaylyk, C. Plank

Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1522, 2017, pp. 257-272

Ice-templating synthesis of macroporous noble metal/3D-graphene nanocomposites: their fluorescence lifetimes and catalytic study

Prasanta Kumar Sahoo, Bharati Panigrahy, Dinbandhu Thakur, Dhirendra Bahadur

New Journal of Chemistry, vol. 41, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2017, pp. 7861--7869

Rapid, One-Pot, Protein-Mediated Green Synthesis of Gold Nanostars for Computed Tomographic Imaging and Photothermal Therapy of Cancer

S. Sasidharan, D. Bahadur, R. Srivastava

ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, vol. 5, 2017, pp. 10163-10175

Rapid, one-pot, protein-mediated green synthesis of gold nanostars for computed tomographic imaging and photothermal therapy of cancer

Sisini Sasidharan, Dhirendra Bahadur, Rohit Srivastava

Acs Sustainable Chemistry \& Engineering, vol. 5, American Chemical Society, 2017, pp. 10163--10175

Tetragonal nanostructured zirconia modified hematite mesoporous composite for efficient adsorption of toxic cations from wastewater

A. Sengupta, S. Mallick, D. Bahadur

Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, vol. 5, 2017, pp. 5285-5292

Zn2+-silica modified cobalt ferrite magnetic nanostructured composite for efficient adsorption of cationic pollutants from water

A. Sengupta, R. Rao, D. Bahadur

ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, vol. 5, 2017, pp. 1280-1286

Tetragonal nanostructured zirconia modified hematite mesoporous composite for efficient adsorption of toxic cations from wastewater

Arundhati Sengupta, Sudhanshu Mallick, D Bahadur

Journal of environmental chemical engineering, vol. 5, Elsevier, 2017, pp. 5285--5292

Zn2+--Silica modified cobalt ferrite magnetic nanostructured composite for efficient adsorption of cationic pollutants from water

Arundhati Sengupta, Rohan Rao, D Bahadur

ACS Sustainable Chemistry \& Engineering, vol. 5, American Chemical Society, 2017, pp. 1280--1286

Magnetic core-shell hybrid nanoparticles for receptor targeted anti-cancer therapy and magnetic resonance imaging

A. Shanavas, S. Sasidharan, D. Bahadur, R. Srivastava

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 486, 2017, pp. 112-120

Magnetic core-shell hybrid nanoparticles for receptor targeted anti-cancer therapy and magnetic resonance imaging

Asifkhan Shanavas, Sisini Sasidharan, Dhirendra Bahadur, Rohit Srivastava

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 486, Academic Press, 2017, pp. 112--120

Improved photocatalytic degradation of organic dye using Ag3PO4/MoS2 nanocomposite

Madhulika Sharma, Pranab Kishore Mohapatra, Dhirendra Bahadur

Frontiers of Materials Science, vol. 11, Higher Education Press, 2017, pp. 366--374

Improved photocatalytic degradation of organic dye using Ag3PO4/MoS2 nanocomposite

M. Sharma, P.K. Mohapatra, D. Bahadur

Frontiers of Materials Science, vol. 11, 2017, pp. 366-374

Cation/anion substitution in Cu2ZnSnS4 for improved photovoltaic performance

Balakrishna Ananthoju, Jeotikanta Mohapatra, Manoj K Jangid, D Bahadur, NV Medhekar, M Aslam

Scientific reports, vol. 6, Nature Publishing Group, 2016, pp. 1--11

Cation/Anion Substitution in Cu2ZnSnS4 for Improved Photovoltaic Performance

B. Ananthoju, J. Mohapatra, M.K. Jangid, D. Bahadur, N.V. Medhekar, M. Aslam

Scientific Reports, vol. 6, 2016

Fabrication of a label-free electrochemical immunosensor using a redox active ferrocenyl dendrimer

Sudeshna Chandra, Christian G{\"a}bler, Christian Schliebe, Heinrich Lang, Dhirendra Bahadur

New Journal of Chemistry, vol. 40, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016, pp. 9046--9053

SnO2 quantum dots decorated reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites for efficient water remediation

Dipa Dutta, Shankar Thiyagarajan, Dhirendra Bahadur

Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 297, Elsevier, 2016, pp. 55--65

SnO2 quantum dots decorated reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites for efficient water remediation

D. Dutta, S. Thiyagarajan, D. Bahadur

Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 297, 2016, pp. 55-65

A pH-responsive folate conjugated magnetic nanoparticle for targeted chemo-thermal therapy and MRI diagnosis

Jagriti Gupta, Jeotikanta Mohapatra, Parag Bhargava, D Bahadur

Dalton Transactions, vol. 45, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016, pp. 2454--2461

A pH-responsive folate conjugated magnetic nanoparticle for targeted chemo-thermal therapy and MRI diagnosis

J. Gupta, J. Mohapatra, P. Bhargava, D. Bahadur

Dalton Transactions, vol. 45, 2016, pp. 2454-2461

Thermoresponsive polymeric gel as an on-demand transdermal drug delivery system for pain management

S Indulekha, P Arunkumar, D Bahadur, R Srivastava

Materials Science and Engineering: C, vol. 62, Elsevier, 2016, pp. 113--122

Thermoresponsive polymeric gel as an on-demand transdermal drug delivery system for pain management

S. Indulekha, P. Arunkumar, D. Bahadur, R. Srivastava

Materials Science and Engineering C, vol. 62, 2016, pp. 113-122

Synthesis and characterization of arsenic trioxide nanoparticles and their In vitro cytotoxicity studies on mouse fibroblast and prostate cancer cell lines

Vaibhav Jadhav, Shilpee Sachar, Sudeshna Chandra, Dhirendra Bahadur, Purvi Bhatt

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 16, American Scientific Publishers, 2016, pp. 7599--7605

Synthesis and characterization of arsenic trioxide nanoparticles and their in vitro cytotoxicity studies on mouse fibroblast and prostate cancer cell lines

V. Jadhav, S. Sachar, S. Chandra, D. Bahadur, P. Bhatt

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 16, 2016, pp. 7599-7605

Development of a herbal thermoresponsive hydrogel for orthopedic applications

Shreya Agrawal Jain, Gautam Shetty, Arun Mullaji, Dhirendra Bahadur, Rohit Srivastava

Advanced Science Letters, vol. 22, American Scientific Publishers, 2016, pp. 83--88

Efficient synthesis of rice based graphene quantum dots and their fluorescent properties

Hemen Kalita, Jeotikanta Mohapatra, Lina Pradhan, Arijit Mitra, Dhirendra Bahadur, Mohammed Aslam

RSC advances, vol. 6, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016, pp. 23518--23524

Efficient antibacterial activity via protein degradation of a 3D layered double hydroxide--reduced graphene oxide nanohybrid

EswaraVara Prasadarao Komarala, Sejal Doshi, Aslam Mohammed, Dhirendra Bahadur

RSC advances, vol. 6, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016, pp. 40389--40398

In-vitro evaluation of layered double hydroxide--Fe 3 O 4 magnetic nanohybrids for thermo-chemotherapy

EswaraVara Prasadarao Komarala, Saumya Nigam, Mohammed Aslam, Dhirendra Bahadur

New Journal of Chemistry, vol. 40, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016, pp. 423--433

Exciton-Phonon Interaction and Role of Defect/Trap States in CdSe Quantum Dots

Dushyant Kushavah, PK Mohapatra, Mamraj Singh, Pintu Ghosh, P Vasa, KC Rustagi, D Bahadur, BP Singh

Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 3, Elsevier, 2016, pp. 3992--3996

Dendrimerized magnetic nanoparticles as carriers for the anticancer compound, epigallocatechin gallate

Saumya Nigam, D Bahadur

IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 52, IEEE, 2016, pp. 1--5

Dendrimerized magnetic nanoparticles as carriers for the anticancer compound, epigallocatechin gallate

Saumya Nigam, D Bahadur

IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 52, IEEE, 2016, pp. 1--5

Dendrimerized Magnetic Nanoparticles as Carriers for the Anticancer Compound, Epigallocatechin Gallate

S. Nigam, D. Bahadur

IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 52, 2016

Enhanced anticancer efficacy of folate-grafted lipid modified dual drug loaded nanoassemblies to reduce drug resistance in ovarian cancer

Lina Pradhan, Rohit Srivastava, D Bahadur

Biomedical Physics \& Engineering Express, vol. 2, IOP Publishing, 2016, p. 065005

Assessing therapeutic potential of magnetic mesoporous nanoassemblies for chemo-resistant tumors

Lina Pradhan, Bhushan Thakur, Rohit Srivastava, Pritha Ray, Dhirendra Bahadur

Theranostics, vol. 6, Ivyspring International Publisher, 2016, p. 1557

Enhanced anticancer efficacy of folate-grafted lipid modified dual drug loaded nanoassemblies to reduce drug resistance in ovarian cancer

L. Pradhan, R. Srivastava, D. Bahadur

Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express, vol. 2, 2016

Highly efficient and simultaneous catalytic reduction of multiple dyes using recyclable RGO/Co dendritic nanocomposites as catalyst for wastewater treatment

Prasanta Kumar Sahoo, Dinbandhu Thakur, D Bahadur, Bharati Panigrahy

RSC advances, vol. 6, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016, pp. 106723--106731

Protein-Poly(amino acid) Nanocore-Shell Mediated Synthesis of Branched Gold Nanostructures for Computed Tomographic Imaging and Photothermal Therapy of Cancer

S. Sasidharan, D. Bahadur, R. Srivastava

ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, vol. 8, 2016, pp. 15889-15903

Protein-poly (amino acid) nanocore--shell mediated synthesis of branched gold nanostructures for computed tomographic imaging and photothermal therapy of cancer

Sisini Sasidharan, Dhirendra Bahadur, Rohit Srivastava

ACS applied materials \& interfaces, vol. 8, American Chemical Society, 2016, pp. 15889--15903

Albumin stabilized gold nanostars: a biocompatible nanoplatform for SERS, CT imaging and photothermal therapy of cancer

Sisini Sasidharan, Dhirendra Bahadur, Rohit Srivastava

RSC advances, vol. 6, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016, pp. 84025--84034

Developing superhydrophobic and oleophobic nanostructure by a facile chemical transformation of zirconium hydroxide surface

A. Sengupta, S.N. Malik, D. Bahadur

Applied Surface Science, vol. 363, 2016, pp. 346-355

Developing superhydrophobic and oleophobic nanostructure by a facile chemical transformation of zirconium hydroxide surface

Arundhati Sengupta, Satya Narayan Malik, D Bahadur

Applied Surface Science, vol. 363, North-Holland, 2016, pp. 346--355

Reusable sunlight activated photocatalyst Ag3PO4 and its significant antibacterial activity

Shankar Thiyagarajan, Sarika Singh, D Bahadur

Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol. 173, Elsevier, 2016, pp. 385--394

Reusable sunlight activated photocatalyst Ag3PO4 and its significant antibacterial activity

S. Thiyagarajan, S. Singh, D. Bahadur

Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol. 173, 2016, pp. 385-394

Efficiency enhancement in Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cells with silica nanoparticles embedded in absorber layer

Balakrishna Ananthoju, Sundara Murthy Mopurisetty, Himanshu Tyagi, D Bahadur, NV Medhekar, Swaroop Ganguly, M Aslam

2015 IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), IEEE, 2015, pp. 1--5

Exoelectrogens leading to precise reduction of graphene oxide by flexibly switching their environment during respiration

Prerna Bansal, Sejal Doshi, Ajay S Panwar, Dhirendra Bahadur

ACS Applied Materials \& Interfaces, vol. 7, American Chemical Society, 2015, pp. 20576--20584

Fabrication of a porphyrin-based electrochemical biosensor for detection of nitric oxide released by cancer cells

Sudeshna Chandra, Carola Mende, Dhirendra Bahadur, Alexander Hildebrandt, Heinrich Lang

Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, vol. 19, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015, pp. 169--177

Dendrimer-magnetic nanoparticles as multiple stimuli responsive and enzymatic drug delivery vehicle

Sudeshna Chandra, Glen Noronha, Sascha Dietrich, Heinrich Lang, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 380, North-Holland, 2015, pp. 7--12

Dendrimer-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles: a new electrode material for electrochemical energy storage devices

Sudeshna Chandra, Mumukshu D Patel, Heinrich Lang, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of Power Sources, vol. 280, Elsevier, 2015, pp. 217--226

SnO2 quantum dots decorated silica nanoparticles for fast removal of cationic dye (methylene blue) from wastewater

Dipa Dutta, Dinbandhu Thakur, Dhirendra Bahadur

Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 281, Elsevier, 2015, pp. 482--490

Fluorescent ZnO for imaging and induction of DNA fragmentation and ROS-mediated apoptosis in cancer cells

Jagriti Gupta, Parag Bhargava, D Bahadur

Journal of Materials Chemistry B, vol. 3, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015, pp. 1968--1978

Synthesis and characterization of arsenic trioxide nanoparticles and their in vitro cytotoxicity studies on mouse fibroblast and prostate cancer cell lines [J]

Vaibhav Jadhav, Shilpee Sachar, Sudeshna Chandra, Dhirendra Bahadur, Purvi Bhatt

J NanosciNanotechnol, vol. 15, 2015, pp. 1--7

Magneto-thermally responsive hydrogels for bladder cancer treatment: Therapeutic efficacy and in vivo biodistribution

Manish K Jaiswal, Lina Pradhan, Shaleen Vasavada, Mrinmoy De, HD Sarma, Anand Prakash, D Bahadur, Vinayak P Dravid

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, vol. 136, Elsevier, 2015, pp. 625--633

Mechanism of anti-cancer activity of benomyl loaded nanoparticles in multidrug resistant cancer cells

Sudarshan Kini, Dhirendra Bahadur, Dulal Panda

Journal of biomedical nanotechnology, vol. 11, American Scientific Publishers, 2015, pp. 877--889

Theranostic fluorescent silica encapsulated magnetic nanoassemblies for in vitro MRI imaging and hyperthermia

Sunil Kumar, Amita Daverey, Vahid Khalilzad-Sharghi, Niroj K Sahu, Srivatsan Kidambi, Shadi F Othman, Dhirendra Bahadur

Rsc Advances, vol. 5, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015, pp. 53180--53188

Spectroscopy and dynamics of charge transfer excitons in type-II band aligned quantum confined heterostructures

Dushyant Kushavah, PK Mohapatra, KC Rustagi, D Bahadur, P Vasa, BP Singh

AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1661, AIP Publishing LLC, 2015, p. 100007

Octahedral-shaped fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles with enhanced specific absorption rate and $$\$R$\$ \_ $\$2$\$ $ relaxivity

Jeotikanta Mohapatra, Arijit Mitra, M Aslam, D Bahadur

IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 51, IEEE, 2015, pp. 1--3

Superspin glass behavior of self-interacting CoFe2O4 nanoparticles

Jeotikanta Mohapatra, Arijit Mitra, D Bahadur, M Aslam

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 628, Elsevier, 2015, pp. 416--423

Iron oxide nanorods as high-performance magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents

Jeotikanta Mohapatra, Arijit Mitra, Himanshu Tyagi, D Bahadur, M Aslam

Nanoscale, vol. 7, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015, pp. 9174--9184

Enhancement of magnetic heating efficiency in size controlled MFe 2 O 4 (M= Mn, Fe, Co and Ni) nanoassemblies

Jeotikanta Mohapatra, Saumya Nigam, J Gupta, A Mitra, M Aslam, D Bahadur

Rsc Advances, vol. 5, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015, pp. 14311--14321

Dendrimers based electrochemical biosensors

Saumya Nigam, Sudeshna Chandra, Dhirendra Bahadur, others

J. Biomed. Res, vol. 2, 2015, pp. 21--36

Enhanced cell apoptosis triggered by a multi modal mesoporous amphiphilic drug delivery system

Lina Pradhan, R Srivastava, D Bahadur

Nanotechnology, vol. 26, IOP Publishing, 2015, p. 475101

Ice-templated synthesis of multifunctional three dimensional graphene/noble metal nanocomposites and their mechanical, electrical, catalytic and electromagnetic shielding properties

PK Sahoo, Radhamanohar Aepuru, Himanshu Sekhar Panda, D Bahadur

Scientific reports, vol. 5, Nature Publishing Group, 2015, pp. 1--12

PEGylated FePt--Fe 3 O 4 composite nanoassemblies (CNAs): in vitro hyperthermia, drug delivery and generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS)

Niroj Kumar Sahu, Jagriti Gupta, Dhirendra Bahadur

Dalton transactions, vol. 44, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015, pp. 9103--9113

Synthesis of FePt3 nanoparticles using PtCl2 and Fe (acac) 3: study of the surfactant effect, magnetism and electro-activity

NK Sahu, D Bahadur

AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1665, AIP Publishing LLC, 2015, p. 050057

Effect of HSA coated iron oxide labeling on human umbilical cord derived mesenchymal stem cells

Purva Sanganeria, Sudeshna Chandra, Dhirendra Bahadur, Aparna Khanna

Nanotechnology, vol. 26, IOP Publishing, 2015, p. 125103

Cellular internalization and detailed toxicity analysis of protein-immobilized iron oxide nanoparticles

Purva Sanganeria, Shilpee Sachar, Sudeshna Chandra, Dhirendra Bahadur, Pritha Ray, Aparna Khanna

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, vol. 103, 2015, pp. 125--134

Precision/Personalized medicine in cancer... p.

Dhananjaya Saranath, Aparna Khanna, Uday B Maachani, Uma Shankavaram, Kevin Camphausen, Anita Tandle, Saumya Nigam, Sudeshna Chandra, Dhirendra Bahadur, Sweta Dash, others

Biomedical Research Journal, vol. 2, Medknow Publications, 2015, p. 1

Synthesis of albumin nanoparticles with a natural multi-therapeutic crosslinker-embelin

Sisini Sasidharan, Dhirendra Bahadur, Rohit Srivastava

2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), IEEE, 2015, pp. 1517--1520

Catalytic and antibacterial activity of Ag decorated magnetic core shell nanosphere

Sarika Singh, D Bahadur

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, vol. 133, Elsevier, 2015, pp. 58--65

Inactivation of bacterial pathogens under magnetic hyperthermia using Fe3O4--ZnO nanocomposite

Sarika Singh, KC Barick, D Bahadur

Powder technology, vol. 269, Elsevier, 2015, pp. 513--519

Polymer stabilized Fe3O4-graphene as an amphiphilic drug carrier for thermo-chemotherapy of cancer

Akshaya Kumar Swain, Lina Pradhan, Dhirendra Bahadur

ACS applied materials \& interfaces, vol. 7, American Chemical Society, 2015, pp. 8013--8022

Polymer-mediated synthesis of ZnO nanostructures

Bharati Panigrahy, Mohammed Aslam, Devi Shanker Misra, Dhirendra Bahadur

2015 Mar

Improved structural and optical properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films via optimized potential in single bath electrodeposition

Balakrishna Ananthoju, Farjana J Sonia, Ajay Kushwaha, Dhirendra Bahadur, NV Medhekar, Mohammad Aslam

Electrochimica Acta, vol. 137, Pergamon, 2014, pp. 154--163

Magnetic Polarons in Dilute Ferromagnetic Oxide Films and Nanoparticles

D Bahadur

Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy, vol. 61, Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy, 2014, pp. S54--S56

Effect of reaction temperature on structural and optical properties of reduced graphene oxide

Prerna Bansal, AS Panwar, D Bahadur

RGO, vol. 950, 2014, p. 002

Fabrication and properties of Co doped ZnO spherical assemblies

KC Barick, M Aslam, D Bahadur

Journal of alloys and compounds, vol. 587, Elsevier, 2014, pp. 282--286

Carboxyl decorated Fe3O4 nanoparticles for MRI diagnosis and localized hyperthermia

KC Barick, Sarika Singh, D Bahadur, Malini A Lawande, Deepak P Patkar, PA Hassan

Journal of colloid and interface science, vol. 418, Academic Press, 2014, pp. 120--125

Combining unique properties of dendrimers and magnetic nanoparticles towards cancer theranostics

Sudeshna Chandra, Saumya Nigam, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of biomedical nanotechnology, vol. 10, American Scientific Publishers, 2014, pp. 32--49

SnO2 quantum dots-reduced graphene oxide composite for enzyme-free ultrasensitive electrochemical detection of urea

Dipa Dutta, Sudeshna Chandra, Akshaya K Swain, Dhirendra Bahadur

Analytical chemistry, vol. 86, American Chemical Society, 2014, pp. 5914--5921

Biphasic magnetic nanoparticles--nanovesicle hybrids for chemotherapy and self-controlled hyperthermia

Manashjit Gogoi, Haladhar D Sarma, Dhirendra Bahadur, Rinti Banerjee

Nanomedicine, vol. 9, Future Medicine Ltd London, UK, 2014, pp. 955--970

Morphology dependent photocatalytic and magnetic properties of ZnO nanostructures

Jagriti Gupta, Parag Bhargava, D Bahadur

Physica B: Condensed Matter, vol. 448, North-Holland, 2014, pp. 16--19

Methotrexate conjugated magnetic nanoparticle for targeted drug delivery and thermal therapy

Jagriti Gupta, Parag Bhargava, D Bahadur

Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 115, American Institute of Physics, 2014, pp. 17B516

Thermoresponsive magnetic hydrogels as theranostic nanoconstructs

Manish K Jaiswal, Mrinmoy De, Stanley S Chou, Shaleen Vasavada, Reiner Bleher, Pottumarthi V Prasad, Dhirendra Bahadur, Vinayak P Dravid

ACS applied materials \& interfaces, vol. 6, American Chemical Society, 2014, pp. 6237--6247

Biocompatibility, biodistribution and efficacy of magnetic nanohydrogels in inhibiting growth of tumors in experimental mice models

Manish K Jaiswal, Manashjit Gogoi, Haladhar Dev Sarma, Rinti Banerjee, D Bahadur

Biomaterials science, vol. 2, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014, pp. 370--380

Dual pH and temperature stimuli-responsive magnetic nanohydrogels for thermo-chemotherapy

Manish K Jaiswal, Arpan Pradhan, Rinti Banerjee, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 14, American Scientific Publishers, 2014, pp. 4082--4089

Anomalous magnetic behavior in nanocomposite materials of reduced graphene oxide-Ni/NiFe2O4

Pratap Kollu, Sateesh Prathapani, Eswara K Varaprasadarao, Chella Santosh, Sudhanshu Mallick, Andrews Nirmala Grace, D Bahadur

Applied Physics Letters, vol. 105, American Institute of Physics, 2014, p. 052412

Enhanced specific absorption rate in silanol functionalized Fe3O4 core--shell nanoparticles: Study of Fe leaching in Fe3O4 and hyperthermia in L929 and HeLa cells

Jerina Majeed, Lina Pradhan, Raghumani Singh Ningthoujam, Rajesh Kumar Vatsa, Dhirendra Bahadur, Avesh Kumar Tyagi

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, vol. 122, Elsevier, 2014, pp. 396--403

Poly (ethylene glycol)-modified PAMAM-Fe3O4-doxorubicin triads with the potential for improved therapeutic efficacy: generation-dependent increased drug loading and retention at neutral pH and increased release at acidic pH

Saumya Nigam, Sudeshna Chandra, Donald F Newgreen, Dhirendra Bahadur, Qizhi Chen

Langmuir, vol. 30, American Chemical Society, 2014, pp. 1004--1011

pH-and thermosensitive thin lipid layer coated mesoporous magnetic nanoassemblies as a dual drug delivery system towards thermochemotherapy of cancer

Lina Pradhan, R Srivastava, D Bahadur

Acta biomaterialia, vol. 10, Elsevier, 2014, pp. 2976--2987

The role of ionic electrolytes on capacitive performance of ZnO-reduced graphene oxide nanohybrids with thermally tunable morphologies

Anand Prakash, D Bahadur

ACS Applied Materials \& Interfaces, vol. 6, American Chemical Society, 2014, pp. 1394--1405

Chemically derived defects in zinc oxide nanocrystals and their enhanced photo-electrocatalytic activities

Anand Prakash, D Bahadur

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 16, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014, pp. 21429--21437

The photo-electrochemical studies of Eu3+ doped yttrium orthovanadate--zinc oxide--reduced graphene oxide nanohybrid

Anand Prakash, N Shanta Singh, D Bahadur

Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol. 144, Elsevier, 2014, pp. 529--537

Facile synthesis of reduced graphene oxide/Pt--Ni nanocatalysts: their magnetic and catalytic properties

Prasanta Kumar Sahoo, Bharati Panigrahy, Dhirendra Bahadur

RSC advances, vol. 4, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014, pp. 48563--48571

Role of different platinum precursors on the formation and reaction mechanism of FePt nanoparticles and their electrocatalytic performance towards methanol oxidation

Niroj Kumar Sahu, Anand Prakash, D Bahadur

Dalton Transactions, vol. 43, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014, pp. 4892--4900

Ce3+-sensitized GdPO4: Tb3+ nanorods: an investigation on energy transfer, luminescence switching, and quantum yield

Niroj Kumar Sahu, N Shanta Singh, RS Ningthoujam, D Bahadur

Acs Photonics, vol. 1, American Chemical Society, 2014, pp. 337--346

Ce 3+ sensitized GdPO 4: Tb 3+ with iron oxide nanoparticles: a potential biphasic system for cancer theranostics

Niroj Kumar Sahu, Naorem Shanta Singh, Lina Pradhan, Dhirendra Bahadur

Dalton transactions, vol. 43, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014, pp. 11728--11738

Adsorption, photodegradation and antibacterial study of graphene--Fe 3 O 4 nanocomposite for multipurpose water purification application

Chella Santhosh, Pratap Kollu, Sejal Doshi, Madhulika Sharma, Dhirendra Bahadur, Mudaliar T Vanchinathan, P Saravanan, Byeong-Su Kim, Andrews Nirmala Grace

Rsc Advances, vol. 4, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014, pp. 28300--28308

Adsorption, photodegradation and antibacterial study of graphene--Fe₃O₄ nanocomposite for multipurpose water purification application

Chella Santhosh, Pratap Kollu, Sejal Doshi, Madhulika Sharma, Dhirendra Bahadur, Mudaliar T Vanchinathan, P Saravanan, Byeong-Su Kim, Andrews Nirmala Grace


Multicolor tuning and white light emission from lanthanide doped YPVO 4 nanorods: energy transfer studies

N Shanta Singh, Niroj Kumar Sahu, D Bahadur

Journal of Materials Chemistry C, vol. 2, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014, pp. 548--555

Enhanced stability of reduced graphene oxide colloid using cross-linking polymers

Akshaya Kumar Swain, Dhirendra Bahadur

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 118, American Chemical Society, 2014, pp. 9450--9457

Deconvolution of mixed magnetism in multilayer graphene

Akshaya Kumar Swain, Dhirendra Bahadur

Applied Physics Letters, vol. 104, American Institute of Physics, 2014, p. 242413

Visible light-driven novel nanocomposite (BiVO 4/CuCr 2 O 4) for efficient degradation of organic dye

Rohit Bajaj, Madhulika Sharma, D Bahadur

Dalton Transactions, vol. 42, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2013, pp. 6736--6744

Polyaniline-iron oxide nanohybrid film as multi-functional label-free electrochemical and biomagnetic sensor for catechol

Sudeshna Chandra, Heinrich Lang, Dhirendra Bahadur

Analytica Chimica Acta, vol. 795, Elsevier, 2013, pp. 8--14

Maleic acid incorporated poly-(N-isopropylacrylamide) polymer nanogels for dual-responsive delivery of doxorubicin hydrochloride

S Dhanya, D Bahadur, GC Kundu, R Srivastava

European polymer journal, vol. 49, Pergamon, 2013, pp. 22--32

Optical properties and defect related measurement of SnO 2 cauliflower

Dipa Dutta, D Bahadur

AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1512, American Institute of Physics, 2013, pp. 1046--1047

Design of an amperometric glucose biosensor based on glucose oxidase/arginated-Fe3O4/glassy carbon electrode

Rahul Krishna, Sudeshna Chandra, Neelkanth Bardhan, Maryam Salimian, YY Yang, Elby Titus, Jose Gracio, Dhirendra Bahadur

Science of Advanced Materials, vol. 5, American Scientific Publishers, 2013, pp. 333--340

Influence of excess Fe accumulation over the surface of FePt nanoparticles: Structural and magnetic properties

Niroj Kumar Sahu, D Bahadur

Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 113, American Institute of Physics, 2013, p. 134303

In vitro evaluation of PEGylated mesoporous MgFe 2 O 4 magnetic nanoassemblies (MMNs) for chemo-thermal therapy

Sunil Kumar, Amita Daverey, Niroj Kumar Sahu, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of Materials Chemistry B, vol. 1, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2013, pp. 3652--3660

Surface controlled synthesis of MFe 2 O 4 (M= Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Zn) nanoparticles and their magnetic characteristics

Jeotikanta Mohapatra, A Mitra, D Bahadur, M Aslam

CrystEngComm, vol. 15, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2013, pp. 524--532

Surface controlled magnetic properties of Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles

Jeotikanta Mohapatra, Arijit Mitra, D Bahadur, M Aslam

AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1512, American Institute of Physics, 2013, pp. 318--319

Curcumin delivery using magnetic liposomes

Saumya Nigam, Asmita Kumar, George A Thouas, Dhirendra Bahadur, Qizhi Chen

Journal of Nanopharmaceutics and Drug Delivery, vol. 1, American Scientific Publishers, 2013, pp. 365--375

The role of reduced graphene oxide capping on defect induced ferromagnetism of ZnO nanorods

Anand Prakash, SK Misra, D Bahadur

Nanotechnology, vol. 24, IOP Publishing, 2013, p. 095705

Enhanced photocatalytic performance of ZnO-reduced graphene oxide hybrid synthesized via ultrasonic probe-assisted study

A Prakash, NK Sahu, D Bahadur

AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1512, American Institute of Physics, 2013, pp. 312--313

Magnetic and electric properties of nanoparticles of Ni-substituted ferrites synthesized using a microwave refluxing process

Nand Kishore Prasad, Abhinandan Naulakha, Neeraj Jha, Sher Singh Meena, Dhirendra Bahadur, Om Prakash, Rajiv Kumar Mandal

International journal of materials research, vol. 104, De Gruyter, 2013, pp. 680--685

Studies on the stability and kinetics of drug release of dexamethasone phosphate intercalated layered double hydroxides nanohybrids

PK Sahoo, HS Panda, D Bahadur

Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol. 142, Elsevier, 2013, pp. 106--112

Magnetic behavior of reduced graphene oxide/metal nanocomposites

PK Sahoo, Bharati Panigrahy, Dan Li, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 113, American Institute of Physics, 2013, pp. 17B525

In situ synthesis and properties of reduced graphene oxide/Bi nanocomposites: as an electroactive material for analysis of heavy metals

PK Sahoo, Bharati Panigrahy, Sridhar Sahoo, Ashis Kumar Satpati, Dan Li, Dhirendra Bahadur

Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 43, Elsevier, 2013, pp. 293--296

A multifunctional biphasic suspension of mesoporous silica encapsulated with YVO4: Eu3+ and Fe3O4 nanoparticles: synergistic effect towards cancer therapy and imaging

N Shanta Singh, Hrishikesh Kulkarni, Lina Pradhan, D Bahadur

Nanotechnology, vol. 24, IOP Publishing, 2013, p. 065101

A multifunctional biphasic suspension of mesoporous silica encapsulated with YVO sub (4): Eu super (3+) and Fe sub (3) O sub (4) nanoparticles: synergistic effect towards cancer therapy and imaging

NS Singh, H Kulkarni, L Pradhan, D Bahadur

Nanotechnology, vol. 24, American Institute of Physics, Ste. 1 NO 1 2 Huntington Quadrangle Melville~…, 2013

Shape-controlled hierarchical ZnO architectures: photocatalytic and antibacterial activities

Sarika Singh, KC Barick, D Bahadur

CrystEngComm, vol. 15, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2013, pp. 4631--4639

Nanomagnetic chelators for removal of toxic metal ions

Sarika Singh, KC Barick, D Bahadur

AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1512, American Institute of Physics, 2013, pp. 440--441

Fe 3 O 4 embedded ZnO nanocomposites for the removal of toxic metal ions, organic dyes and bacterial pathogens

Sarika Singh, KC Barick, D Bahadur

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, vol. 1, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2013, pp. 3325--3333

Functional oxide nanomaterials and nanocomposites for the removal of heavy metals and dyes

Sarika Singh, KC Barick, D Bahadur

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, vol. 3, InTech, 2013, pp. 3--20

Facile synthesis of twisted graphene solution from graphite-KCl

Akshaya Kumar Swain, Dhirendra Bahadur

RSC advances, vol. 3, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2013, pp. 19243--19246

UV-assisted production of ferromagnetic graphitic quantum dots from graphite

Akshaya Kumar Swain, Dan Li, Dhirendra Bahadur

Carbon, vol. 57, Pergamon, 2013, pp. 346--356

Polyelectrolyte coated polymeric nanoparticles for controlled release of docetaxel

R Agrawal, A Shanavas, S Yadav, M Aslam, D Bahadur, R Srivastava

Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, vol. 8, American Scientific Publishers, 2012, pp. 19--28

pH-responsive peptide mimic shell cross-linked magnetic nanocarriers for combination therapy

Kanhu C Barick, Sarika Singh, Neena V Jadhav, Dhirendra Bahadur, Badri N Pandey, Puthusserickal A Hassan

Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 22, WILEY-VCH Verlag Weinheim, 2012, pp. 4975--4984

Impedimetric biosensor based on magnetic nanoparticles for electrochemical detection of dopamine

Sudeshna Chandra, Kunal Arora, D Bahadur

Materials Science and Engineering: B, vol. 177, Elsevier, 2012, pp. 1531--1537

Design, characterization and magnetic properties of Fe3O4-nanoparticle arrays coated with PEGylated-dendrimers

Sascha Dietrich, Sudeshna Chandra, Colin Georgi, Senoy Thomas, Denys Makarov, Steffen Schulze, Michael Hietschold, Manfred Albrecht, Dhirendra Bahadur, Heinrich Lang

Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol. 132, Elsevier, 2012, pp. 292--299

Influence of confinement regimes on magnetic property of pristine SnO 2 quantum dots

Dipa Dutta, D Bahadur

Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol. 22, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2012, pp. 24545--24551

Magnetic liposomes and hydrogels towards cancer therapy

Manashjit Gogoi, Manish K Jaiswal, Rinti Banerjee, Dhirendra Bahadur

Magnetic Nanoparticles: From Fabrication to Clinical Applications, 1st ed.; Thanh, NTK, Ed, 2012, pp. 479--487

A comparative study on thermoresponsive magnetic nanohydrogels: role of surface-engineered magnetic nanoparticles

Manish K Jaiswal, Shailee Mehta, Rinti Banerjee, D Bahadur

Colloid and Polymer Science, vol. 290, Springer-Verlag, 2012, pp. 607--617

Fabrication of a glucose biosensor based on citric acid assisted cobalt ferrite magnetic nanoparticles

Rahul Krishna, Elby Titus, Sudeshna Chandra, Neel Kanth Bardhan, Rohit Krishna, Dhirendra Bahadur, Jos{\'e} Gracio

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 12, American Scientific Publishers, 2012, pp. 6631--6638

Fabrication of a glucose biosensor based on citric acid assisted cobalt ferrite magnetic nanoparticles

Rahul Krishna, Elby Titus, Sudeshna Chandra, Neel Kanth Bardhan, Rohit Krishna, Dhirendra Bahadur, Jos{\'e} Gracio

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 12, American Scientific Publishers, 2012, pp. 6631--6638

Wet-chemical green synthesis of L-lysine amino acid stabilized biocompatible iron-oxide magnetic nanoparticles

Rahul Krishna, Elby Titus, Rohit Krishna, Neelkanth Bardhan, Dhirendra Bahadur, Jos{\'e} Gracio

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 12, American Scientific Publishers, 2012, pp. 6645--6651

In vitro application of paclitaxel loaded magnetoliposomes for combined chemotherapy and hyperthermia

Priyank Kulshrestha, Manashjit Gogoi, D Bahadur, R Banerjee

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, vol. 96, Elsevier, 2012, pp. 1--7

Dendrimer facilitated synthesis of multifunctional lanthanide based hybrid nanomaterials for biological applications

Meitram Niraj Luwang, Sudeshna Chandra, Dhirendra Bahadur, Sri Krishna Srivastava

Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol. 22, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2012, pp. 3395--3403

Mobility enhancement of solution-processed Poly (3-Hexylthiophene) based organic transistor using zinc oxide nanostructures

Ramesh R Navan, Bharati Panigrahy, M Shojaei Baghini, D Bahadur, V Ramgopal Rao

Composites Part B: Engineering, vol. 43, Elsevier, 2012, pp. 1645--1648

Study of the preparation, properties and kinetics of anion release in drug intercalated magnetic nanohybrids

HS Panda, D Bahadur

Materials Research Bulletin, vol. 47, Pergamon, 2012, pp. 571--579

Effect of Fe doping concentration on optical and magnetic properties of ZnO nanorods

Bharati Panigrahy, M Aslam, D Bahadur

Nanotechnology, vol. 23, IOP Publishing, 2012, p. 115601

P-type phosphorus doped ZnO nanostructures: an electrical, optical, and magnetic properties study

Bharati Panigrahy, D Bahadur

RSC advances, vol. 2, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2012, pp. 6222--6227

Disappearance and recovery of luminescence in GdPO4: Eu3+ nanorods: Propose to water/OH• release under near infrared and gamma irradiations

Niroj Kumar Sahu, RS Ningthoujam, D Bahadur

Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 112, American Institute of Physics, 2012, p. 014306

Core/surface modified nanomedicines for controlled release of drug

Asifkhan Shanavas, Dhirendra Bahadur, Rohit Srivastava

2012 12th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), IEEE, 2012, pp. 1--4

Study of carbon encapsulated iron oxide/iron carbide nanocomposite for hyperthermia

Madhulika Sharma, Sanket Mantri, D Bahadur

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 324, North-Holland, 2012, pp. 3975--3980

Hybrid nanostructures for diagnostics and therapeutics

D Bahadur, Vinayak P Dravid

Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, vol. 63, Elsevier, 2011

Immobilization of BSA on Dendrimer Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles

S Chandra, N Nithyamathi, P Selvamani, D Bahadur

International Journal of Nanoscience, vol. 10, World Scientific, 2011, pp. 919--923

Oxide and hybrid nanostructures for therapeutic applications

Sudeshna Chandra, KC Barick, D Bahadur

Advanced drug delivery reviews, vol. 63, Elsevier, 2011, pp. 1267--1281

Impedimetric biosensor for early detection of cervical cancer

Sudeshna Chandra, Neerav Barola, Dhirendra Bahadur

Chemical Communications, vol. 47, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2011, pp. 11258--11260

Dendrimer--doxorubicin conjugate for enhanced therapeutic effects for cancer

Sudeshna Chandra, Sascha Dietrich, Heinrich Lang, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol. 21, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2011, pp. 5729--5737



Advanced drug delivery reviews, vol. 63, 2011

Role of ambient air on photoluminescence and electrical conductivity of assembly of ZnO nanoparticles

Manoranjan Ghosh, RS Ningthoujam, RK Vatsa, D Das, V Nataraju, SC Gadkari, SK Gupta, D Bahadur

Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 110, American Institute of Physics, 2011, p. 054309

Defect mediated photocatalytic activity in shape-controlled ZnO nanostructures

Jagriti Gupta, KC Barick, D Bahadur

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 509, Elsevier, 2011, pp. 6725--6730

Multifunctional alginate microspheres for biosensing, drug delivery and magnetic resonance imaging

Abhijeet Joshi, Sanket Solanki, Rashmi Chaudhari, Dhirendra Bahadur, M Aslam, Rohit Srivastava

Acta Biomaterialia, vol. 7, Elsevier, 2011, pp. 3955--3963

Magnetic PLGA nanospheres: a dual therapy for cancer

Sudarshan Kini, Dhirendra Bahadur, Dulal Panda

IEEE transactions on magnetics, vol. 47, IEEE, 2011, pp. 2882--2886

Synthesis of hydrophilic superparamagnetic magnetite nanoparticles via thermal decomposition of Fe (acac) 3 in 80 Vol\% TREG+ 20 Vol\% TREM

Dipak Maity, Pallab Pradhan, Prashant Chandrasekharan, SN Kale, Borys Shuter, Dhirendra Bahadur, Si-Shen Feng, Jun-Min Xue, Jun Ding

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 11, American Scientific Publishers, 2011, pp. 2730--2734

Synthesis of hydrophilic superparamagnetic magnetite nanoparticles via thermal decomposition of Fe (acac) 3 in 80 Vol\% TREG+ 20 Vol\% TREM

Dipak Maity, Pallab Pradhan, Prashant Chandrasekharan, SN Kale, Borys Shuter, Dhirendra Bahadur, Si-Shen Feng, Jun-Min Xue, Jun Ding

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 11, American Scientific Publishers, 2011, pp. 2730--2734

Effect of nickel ferrite on electrical and magnetic properties in LCMO: Nickel ferrite nanocomposites

Bibhuti B Nayak, Aparna Mondal, Satish Vitta, Dhirendra Bahadur

IEEE transactions on magnetics, vol. 47, IEEE, 2011, pp. 2728--2731

Development of citrate-stabilized Fe3O4 nanoparticles: conjugation and release of doxorubicin for therapeutic applications

Saumya Nigam, KC Barick, D Bahadur

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 323, North-Holland, 2011, pp. 237--243

Synthesis and in situ mechanism of nuclei growth of layered double hydroxides

HS Panda, R Srivastava, D Bahadur

Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 34, Springer-Verlag, 2011, pp. 1599--1604

Controlled optical and magnetic properties of ZnO nanorods by Ar ion irradiation

Bharati Panigrahy, M Aslam, D Bahadur

Applied Physics Letters, vol. 98, American Institute of Physics, 2011, p. 183109

Structural, optical, and magnetic properties of Gd-doped ZnO nanorods by a novel aqueous solution method

Bharati Panigrahy, M Aslam, DS Misra, D Bahadur

International Journal of Nanoscience, vol. 10, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2011, pp. 629--633

Structural, optical, and magnetic properties of Gd-doped ZnO nanorods by a novel aqueous solution method

Bharati Panigrahy, M Aslam, DS Misra, D Bahadur

International Journal of Nanoscience, vol. 10, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2011, pp. 629--633

Magnetic Nanoparticles and Thermosensitive Carriers for Hyperthermia and Drug Delivery

Pallab Pradhan, Manish K Jaiswal, Manashjit Gogoi, D Bahadur, R Banerjee


Biomedical applications of magnetic nanoparticles

Nand Kishore Prasad, Dhirendra Bahadur, S{\'e}bastien Vasseur, Etienne Duguet

Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry, John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd Chichester, UK, 2011

Nanoparticles of Pure and Substituted Maghemites ($\gamma$-M x Fe2- x O3 Where M= Al, Cr, Mn, Zn and 0≤ x≤ 1.3): A Comparative Study

NK Prasad, V Gohri, D Bahadur

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 11, American Scientific Publishers, 2011, pp. 2710--2716

Surface engineered magnetic nanoparticles for removal of toxic metal ions and bacterial pathogens

Sarika Singh, KC Barick, D Bahadur

Journal of hazardous materials, vol. 192, Elsevier, 2011, pp. 1539--1547

Novel and efficient three dimensional mesoporous ZnO nanoassemblies for envirnomental remediation

Sarika Singh, KC Barick, D Bahadur

International Journal of Nanoscience, vol. 10, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2011, pp. 1001--1005

Poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) based polymer nanogels for drug delivery applications

Dhanya Subhash, Hardik Mody, Rinti Banerjee, Dhirendra Bahadur, Rohit Srivastava

2011 11th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology, IEEE, 2011, pp. 1741--1744

Controlled fabrication of oriented co-doped ZnO clustered nanoassemblies

KC Barick, M Aslam, Vinayak P Dravid, D Bahadur

Journal of colloid and interface science, vol. 349, Elsevier, 2010, pp. 19--26

Self-assembly of colloidal nanoscale particles: fabrication, properties and applications

KC Barick, D Bahadur

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 10, American Scientific Publishers, 2010, pp. 668--689

Nanoscale assembly of mesoporous ZnO: A potential drug carrier

KC Barick, Saumya Nigam, D Bahadur

Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol. 20, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2010, pp. 6446--6452

Porosity and photocatalytic studies of transition metal doped ZnO nanoclusters

KC Barick, Sarika Singh, M Aslam, D Bahadur

Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, vol. 134, Elsevier, 2010, pp. 195--202

Structural and magnetic properties of $\gamma$-and $\varepsilon$-Fe2O3 nanoparticles dispersed in silica matrix

KC Barick, BSD Ch S Varaprasad, D Bahadur

Journal of non-crystalline solids, vol. 356, North-Holland, 2010, pp. 153--159

Dendritic magnetite nanocarriers for drug delivery applications

Sudeshna Chandra, Shailee Mehta, Saumya Nigam, D Bahadur

New Journal of Chemistry, vol. 34, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2010, pp. 648--655

Dendritic magnetite nanocarriers for drug delivery applications

Sudeshna Chandra, Shailee Mehta, Saumya Nigam, D Bahadur

New Journal of Chemistry, vol. 34, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2010, pp. 648--655

Dendritic magnetite nanocarriers for drug delivery applications

Sudeshna Chandra, Shailee Mehta, Saumya Nigam, D Bahadur

New Journal of Chemistry, vol. 34, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2010, pp. 648--655

Dendritic magnetite nanocarriers for drug delivery applications

Sudeshna Chandra, Shailee Mehta, Saumya Nigam, D Bahadur

New Journal of Chemistry, vol. 34, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2010, pp. 648--655

Dendritic magnetite nanocarriers for drug delivery applications

Sudeshna Chandra, Shailee Mehta, Saumya Nigam, D Bahadur

New Journal of Chemistry, vol. 34, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2010, pp. 648--655

Dendritic magnetite nanocarriers for drug delivery applications

Sudeshna Chandra, Shailee Mehta, Saumya Nigam, D Bahadur

New Journal of Chemistry, vol. 34, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2010, pp. 648--655

Optical Emission Based Oxygen Sensing by ZnO Nanoparticles

Manoranjan Ghosh, RS Ningthoujam, RK Vatsa, D Das, V Nataraju, SK Gupta, D Bahadur

arXiv preprint arXiv:1008.2497, 2010

Thermal behavior of magnetically modalized poly (N-isopropylacrylamide)-chitosan based nanohydrogel

Manish K Jaiswal, Rinti Banerjee, Pallab Pradhan, Dhirendra Bahadur

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, vol. 81, Elsevier, 2010, pp. 185--194

A variable temperature EPR study of the manganites (La1/3Sm2/3) 2/3SrxBa0. 33- xMnO3 (x= 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.33): Small polaron hopping conductivity and Griffiths phase

Sushil K Misra, Sergey I Andronenko, Saket Asthana, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 322, North-Holland, 2010, pp. 2902--2907

Shape controlled synthesis of iron--cobalt alloy magnetic nanoparticles using soft template method

Santosh K Pal, D Bahadur

Materials Letters, vol. 64, Elsevier, 2010, pp. 1127--1129

Aqueous synthesis of Mn-and Co-doped ZnO nanorods

Bharati Panigrahy, M Aslam, D Bahadur

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 114, American Chemical Society, 2010, pp. 11758--11763

Defect-related emissions and magnetization properties of ZnO nanorods

Bharati Panigrahy, Mohammed Aslam, Devi Shanker Misra, Manoranjan Ghosh, Dhirendra Bahadur

Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 20, WILEY-VCH Verlag, 2010, pp. 1161--1165

Targeted magnetic liposomes loaded with doxorubicin

Pallab Pradhan, Rinti Banerjee, Dhirendra Bahadur, Christian Koch, Olga Mykhaylyk, Christian Plank

Liposomes, Humana Press, 2010, pp. 279--293

Targeted temperature sensitive magnetic liposomes for thermo-chemotherapy

Pallab Pradhan, Jyotsnendu Giri, Finn Rieken, Christian Koch, Olga Mykhaylyk, Markus D{\"o}blinger, Rinti Banerjee, Dhirendra Bahadur, Christian Plank

Journal of Controlled Release, vol. 142, Elsevier, 2010, pp. 108--121

Multifunctional Magnetic Liposomes for Cancer Therapy

Pallab Pradhan, G Jyotsnendu, Andreas Steingoetter, Christian Koch, Olga Mykhaylyk, Rinti Banerjee, Dhirendra Bahadur, Christian Plank

Human Gene Therapy, 2010, p. 1194

Sonochemical stabilization of ultrafine colloidal biocompatible magnetite nanoparticles using amino acid, L-arginine, for possible bio applications

Sriharsha Theerdhala, Dhirendra Bahadur, Satish Vitta, Nina Perkas, Ziyi Zhong, Aharon Gedanken

Ultrasonics sonochemistry, vol. 17, Elsevier, 2010, pp. 730--737

Defects in three-dimensional spherical assemblies of Ni-doped ZnO nanocrystals

Kanhu Charan Barick, Mohammed Aslam, Jinsong Wu, Vinayak P Dravid, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of Materials Research, vol. 24, Cambridge University Press, 2009, pp. 3543--3550

Novel and efficient MR active aqueous colloidal Fe 3 O 4 nanoassemblies

KC Barick, M Aslam, Yen-Po Lin, D Bahadur, Pottumarthi V Prasad, Vinayak P Dravid

Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol. 19, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2009, pp. 7023--7029

Nanoscale assembly of amine-functionalized colloidal iron oxide

KC Barick, M Aslam, Pottumarthi V Prasad, Vinayak P Dravid, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 321, North-Holland, 2009, pp. 1529--1532

Magnetic nanoparticles encapsulated within a thermoresponsive polymer

AK Gaharwar, JE Wong, D M{\"u}ller-Schulte, D Bahadur, W Richtering

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 9, American Scientific Publishers, 2009, pp. 5355--5361

Intercalation of hexacyanoferrate (III) ions in layered double hydroxides: a novel precursor to form ferri-/antiferromagnetic exchange coupled oxides and monodisperse nanograin spinel ferrites

HS Panda, R Srivastava, D Bahadur

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 113, American Chemical Society, 2009, pp. 9560--9567

In-vitro release kinetics and stability of anticardiovascular drugs-intercalated layered double hydroxide nanohybrids

HS Panda, R Srivastava, D Bahadur

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 113, American Chemical Society, 2009, pp. 15090--15100

In-vitro release kinetics and stability of anticardiovascular drugs-intercalated layered double hydroxide nanohybrids

HS Panda, R Srivastava, D Bahadur

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 113, American Chemical Society, 2009, pp. 15090--15100

Polymer-mediated shape-selective synthesis of ZnO nanostructures using a single-step aqueous approach

Bharati Panigrahy, M Aslam, DS Misra, D Bahadur

CrystEngComm, vol. 11, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2009, pp. 1920--1925

Magnetic hyperthermia with biphasic gel of La1- xSrxMnO3 and maghemite

Nand Kishore Prasad, Lucile Hardel, Etienne Duguet, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 321, North-Holland, 2009, pp. 1490--1492

Magnetic hyperthermia with biphasic gel of La $\$sub 1-x$\$ Sr $\$sub x$\$ MnO $\$sub 3$\$ and maghemite

Nand Kishore Prasad, Lucile Hardel, Etienne Duguet, Dhirendra Bahadur, others

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 321, 2009

Small polaron transport and colossal magnetoresistance in La 2/3 Ca 1/3 MnO 3

CM Srivastava, NB Srivastava, LN Singh, D Bahadur

Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 105, American Institute of Physics, 2009, p. 093908

Magnetic properties of (Fe) 1- x--(Al2O3) x and (Fe50Ni50) 1- x--(Al2O3) x nanocomposite magnetic media synthesized using gel like Al2O3 matrix

Satish Vitta, V Sinha, D Bahadur

Journal of alloys and compounds, vol. 482, Elsevier, 2009, pp. 155--159

진실한 고백의 매력


중국조선어문, vol. 2008, 2008, pp. 43--44

Lattice effect on the magnetic and magneto-transport properties of (La1/3Sm2/3) 0.67 Ba0. 33- xSrxMnO3 (x= 0.0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.33) compounds

Saket Asthana, AK Nigam, SK Malik, D Bahadur

Journal of alloys and compounds, vol. 450, Elsevier, 2008, pp. 136--141

Magnetic and photomagnetic studies in nanocrystalline Ni 0.5 Zn 0.5 Fe 1.7 Co 0.3 O 4

Dhirendra Bahadur, C{\'e}dric Desplanches, S Rajakumar, J-F L{\'e}tard

Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 103, American Institute of Physics, 2008, pp. 07B724

Self-aggregation and assembly of size-tunable transition metal doped ZnO nanocrystals

KC Barick, M Aslam, Vinayak P Dravid, D Bahadur

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 112, American Chemical Society, 2008, pp. 15163--15170

Influence of Mn doping on structural and vibrational properties of self-assembled Mn doped ZnO nanocrystals

KC Barick, D Bahadur

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 8, American Scientific Publishers, 2008, pp. 4263--4267

Influence of Mn doping on structural and vibrational properties of self-assembled Mn doped ZnO nanocrystals

KC Barick, D Bahadur

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 8, American Scientific Publishers, 2008, pp. 4263--4267

Influence of Mn doping on structural and vibrational properties of self-assembled Mn doped ZnO nanocrystals

KC Barick, D Bahadur

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 8, American Scientific Publishers, 2008, pp. 4263--4267

PHYS 443-Magnetic nanoparticles encapsulated within a biocompatible thermoresponsive polymer

Akhilesh K Gaharwar, John E Wong, D MULLER-SCHULTE, Dhirendra Bahadur, Walter Richtering


Synthesis and characterizations of water-based ferrofluids of substituted ferrites [Fe1- xBxFe2O4, B= Mn, Co (x= 0--1)] for biomedical applications

Jyotsnendu Giri, Pallab Pradhan, Vaibhav Somani, Hitesh Chelawat, Shreerang Chhatre, Rinti Banerjee, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 320, North-Holland, 2008, pp. 724--730

Elastic behavior of La0. 67Ca0. 33MnO3: ZrO2 composites

G Lalitha, D Das, D Bahadur, P Venugopal Reddy

Journal of alloys and compounds, vol. 464, Elsevier, 2008, pp. 6--8

Elastic behavior of La $\$sub 0.67$\$ Ca $\$sub 0.33$\$ MnO $\$sub 3$\$: ZrO $\$sub 2$\$ composites

G Lalitha, D Das, D Bahadur, P Venugopal Reddy, others

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 464, 2008

Shape and size control of nano dispersed Mg/Al layered double hydroxide

HS Panda, R Srivastava, D Bahadur

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 8, American Scientific Publishers, 2008, pp. 4218--4223

Stacking of lamellae in Mg/Al hydrotalcites: Effect of metal ion concentrations on morphology

HS Panda, R Srivastava, D Bahadur

Materials Research Bulletin, vol. 43, Elsevier, 2008, pp. 1448--1455

Multifunctional magnetic liposomes for thermo-chemotherapy of cancer

Pallab Pradhan, A Steingoetter, J Giri, Christian Koch, Olga Mykhaylyk, Christian Plank, Rinti Banerjee, Dhirendra Bahadur

" 2nd Bangalore Nano" conference, 2008

Targeted temperature sensitive magnetic liposomes for thermo-chemotherapy of cancer

P Pradhan, A Steingoetter, J Giri, C Koch, O Mykhaylyk, R Banerjee, D Bahadur, C Plank

7th International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers., 2008

TC-tuned biocompatible suspension of La0. 73Sr0. 27MnO3 for magnetic hyperthermia

NK Prasad, K Rathinasamy, D Panda, D Bahadur

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials: An Official Journal of The Society for Biomaterials, The Japanese Society for Biomaterials, and The Australian Society for Biomaterials and the Korean Society for Biomaterials, vol. 85, Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company Hoboken, 2008, pp. 409--416

Stability and phase transition in Al65Cu20Co15-xFex (0≤ x≤ 15) quasi-crystalline systems


Indian journal of pure \& applied physics, vol. 46, Council of Scientific \& Industrial Research, 2008, pp. 497--501

Synthesis of shape controlled ferrite nanoparticles by sonochemical technique

Sriharsha Theerdhala, Devendra Alhat, Satish Vitta, D Bahadur

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 8, American Scientific Publishers, 2008, pp. 4268--4272

Magnetic nanoparticles through sonochemistry

S Theerdhala, S Vitta, D Bahadur

Materials Technology, vol. 23, Taylor \& Francis, 2008, pp. 88--93

Electrical and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Fe100- xNix alloys

Satish Vitta, A Khuntia, G Ravikumar, D Bahadur

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 320, North-Holland, 2008, pp. 182--189

Dual-stimuli responsive PNiPAM microgel achieved via layer-by-layer assembly: Magnetic and thermoresponsive

John E Wong, Akhilesh K Gaharwar, Detlef M{\"u}ller-Schulte, Dhirendra Bahadur, Walter Richtering

Journal of colloid and interface science, vol. 324, Academic Press, 2008, pp. 47--54

Magnetic nanoparticle--polyelectrolyte interaction: a layered approach for biomedical applications

John E Wong, Akhilesh K Gaharwar, Detlef M{\"u}ller-Schulte, Dhirendra Bahadur, Walter Richtering

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 8, American Scientific Publishers, 2008, pp. 4033--4040

Dual-stimuli responsive PNiPAM microgel achieved via layer-by-layer assembly: Magnetic and thermoresponsive

John E Wong, Akhilesh K Gaharwar, Detlef M{\"u}ller-Schulte, Dhirendra Bahadur, Walter Richtering

Journal of colloid and interface science, vol. 324, Academic Press, 2008, pp. 47--54

Structural, magnetic and magneto-transport studies on the (La2/3Sm1/3) 0.67 Ba0. 33- xSrxMnO3 (x= 0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.33) manganites

Saket Asthana, D Bahadur

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 40, IOP Publishing, 2007, p. 1839

Erratum to ‘‘Small polarons as charge carriers in the transport of (La1/3Sm2/3) 0.67 Ba0. 33- xsrxmno3 (x= 0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.33)”

Saket Asthana, D Bahadur, CM Srivastava

Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter, vol. 1, 2007, p. 232

Effects of A-site ionic size variation on the magnetic and transport properties of (PrxSm1--x) 2/3Sr1/3MnO3 (0≤ x≤ 1)

Saket Asthana, Joonghoe Dho, D Bahadur

physica status solidi (b), vol. 244, WILEY-VCH Verlag Berlin, 2007, pp. 4542--4545

Effect of A-site ionic size variation on the magnetic and transport properties of $(Pr\_ $\$x$\$ Sm\_ $\$1-x$\$) \_ $\$2/3$\$ Sr\_ $\$1/3$\$ MnO\_ $\$3$\$(0 $\$$\backslash$leq$\$ x $\$$\backslash$leq$\$ 1) $

Saket Asthana, Joong-Hoe Dho, D Bahadur

Proceedings of the Korean Magnestics Society Conference, The Korean Magnetics Society, 2007, pp. 166--2

Weak charge-ordering behavior in phase separated (Ln1/3Sm2/3) 2/3Ca1/3MnO3 (Ln= Pr and La) manganites

Saket Asthana, Joonghoe Dho, Dhirendra Bahadur

Solid state communications, vol. 143, Pergamon, 2007, pp. 522--526

Magnetic and photomagnetic studies in Nd0. 7Sr0. 3CoO3

Dhirendra Bahadur, Saket Asthana, Chiara Carbonera, C{\'e}dric Desplanches, J-F L{\'e}tard

Solid state communications, vol. 142, Pergamon, 2007, pp. 132--136

r. org

D Bahadur, A Maignan

J. Mater. Chem, vol. 17, 2007, pp. 5042--5051

Synthesis, self-assembly, and properties of Mn doped ZnO nanoparticles

KC Barick, D Bahadur

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 7, American Scientific Publishers, 2007, pp. 1935--1940

Synthesis and characterizations of water-based ferrofluids of substituted ferrites [Fe1\_xBxFe2O4, B $1/4$ Mn, Co (x $1/4$ 0--1)] for biomedical applications


Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2007

Microstructural evolution and magnetic properties of size-controlled nanocrystalline Ni in Ni (OH) 2--ZrO2 composite

Bibhuti B Nayak, Satish Vitta, D Bahadur

Journal of materials research, vol. 22, Cambridge University Press, 2007, pp. 1520--1526

Synthesis and properties of nanograined La-Ca-manganite--Ni-ferrite composites

Bibhuti B Nayak, Satish Vitta, DHIRENDRA Bahadur

Materials Science and Engineering: B, vol. 139, Elsevier, 2007, pp. 171--176

Preparation and characterization of manganese ferrite-based magnetic liposomes for hyperthermia treatment of cancer

Pallab Pradhan, Jyotsnendu Giri, Rinti Banerjee, Jayesh Bellare, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 311, North-Holland, 2007, pp. 208--215

Cellular interactions of lauric acid and dextran-coated magnetite nanoparticles

Pallab Pradhan, Jyotsnendu Giri, Rinti Banerjee, Jayesh Bellare, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 311, North-Holland, 2007, pp. 282--287

Comparative evaluation of heating ability and biocompatibility of different ferrite-based magnetic fluids for hyperthermia application

Pallab Pradhan, Jyotsnendu Giri, Gopal Samanta, Haladhar Dev Sarma, Kaushala Prasad Mishra, Jayesh Bellare, Rinti Banerjee, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials: An Official Journal of The Society for Biomaterials, The Japanese Society for Biomaterials, and The Australian Society for Biomaterials and the Korean Society for Biomaterials, vol. 81, Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company Hoboken, 2007, pp. 12--22

Mechanism of cell death induced by magnetic hyperthermia with nanoparticles of $\gamma$-Mn x Fe 2--x O 3 synthesized by a single step process

NK Prasad, K Rathinasamy, D Panda, D Bahadur

Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol. 17, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2007, pp. 5042--5051

Layer-by-layer assembly of a magnetic nanoparticle shell on a thermoresponsive microgel core

John Erik Wong, Akhilesh Krishnakumar Gaharwar, Detlef M{\"u}ller-Schulte, Dhirendra Bahadur, Walter Richtering

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 311, North-Holland, 2007, pp. 219--223

Application of magnetite hexacyanoferrate composites in magnetically assisted chemical separation of cesium

RD Ambashta, DS Deshingkar, PK Wattal, D Bahadur

Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry, vol. 270, Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}, co-published with Springer Science+ Business Media BV~…, 2006, pp. 585--592

Application of magnetite hexacyanoferrate composites in magnetically assisted chemical separation of cesium

RD Ambashta, DS Deshingkar, PK Wattal, D Bahadur

Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry, vol. 270, Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}, co-published with Springer Science+ Business Media BV~…, 2006, pp. 585--592

Magnetic carrier for radionuclide removal from aqueous wastes: Parameters investigated in the development of nanoscale magnetite based carbamoyl methyl phosphine oxide

RD Ambashta, PK Wattal, S Singh, D Bahadur

Separation science and technology, vol. 41, Taylor \& Francis, 2006, pp. 925--942

Small polarons as charge carriers in the transport of (La1/3Sm2/3) 0.67 Ba0. 33- xSrxMnO3 (x= 0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.33)

Saket Asthana, D Bahadur, CM Srivastava

Physica B: Condensed Matter, vol. 371, North-Holland, 2006, pp. 241--244

Magnetic and magnetotransport properties in (Lax Sm1--x) 2/3Sr1/3MnO3 (x= 1/3, 1/2 and 2/3) manganites

Saket Asthana, AK Nigam, D Bahadur

physica status solidi (b), vol. 243, WILEY-VCH Verlag Berlin, 2006, pp. 1922--1928

Index of Authors and Papers

S Asthana, D Bahadur, CM Srivastava, others

Physica B, vol. 371, 2006, pp. 343--346

Photomagnetism Studies in Nd0. 7Sr0. 3CoO3

D Bahadur, S Asthana, C Carbonera, J Letard

2006 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG), IEEE, 2006, pp. 832--832

Influence of fuel ratios on auto combustion synthesis of barium ferrite nano particles

D Bahadur, S Rajakumar, Ankit Kumar

Journal of chemical sciences, vol. 118, Springer India, 2006, pp. 15--21

Effect of Cu substitution on the structural and magnetic properties of DyCo5-xCux

Debjani Banerjee, D Bahadur, KG Suresh, AK Nigam

Physica B: Condensed Matter, vol. 378, North-Holland, 2006, pp. 1091--1092

Effect of Al on the structural and magnetic properties of Er $\$sub 2$\$ Co $\$sub 17-x$\$ Al $\$sub x$\$ compounds

Debjani Banerjee, D Bahadur, KG Suresh, AK Nigam

Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter, vol. 18, 2006

Effect of Al on the structural and magnetic properties of Er2Co17- xAlx compounds

Debjani Banerjee, D Bahadur, KG Suresh, AK Nigam

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 18, IOP Publishing, 2006, p. 4955

Assembly of Fe3O4 nanoparticles on SiO2 monodisperse spheres

KC Barick, D Bahadur

Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 29, Springer India, 2006, pp. 595--598

Preparation of nanocrystalline MnFe2O4 by doping with Ti4+ ions using solid-state reaction route

S Mishra, TK Kundu, KC Barick, D Bahadur, D Chakravorty

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 307, North-Holland, 2006, pp. 222--226

Magnetic Nanocomposite Material

Bibhuti Bhusan Nayak


Ni and Ni--nickel oxide nanoparticles with different shapes and a core--shell structure

Bibhuti B Nayak, Satish Vitta, AK Nigam, DHIRENDRA Bahadur

Thin Solid Films, vol. 505, Elsevier, 2006, pp. 109--112

Physical and chemical properties of nanoscale magnetite-based solvent extractant

Ritu D Ambashta, Seikh Mohammad Yusuf, Mayuresh D Mukadam, Sher Singh, Piaray Kishan Wattal, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 293, North-Holland, 2005, pp. 8--14

Electronic phase separation in (La 1/ 3 Sm 2/ 3) 2/ 3 A 1/ 3 Mn O 3 (A= Ca, Sr and Ba) compounds

Saket Asthana, D Bahadur, AK Nigam, SK Malik

Journal of applied physics, vol. 97, American Institute of Physics, 2005, pp. 10H711

Effect of A-site ionic radii on the magneto-transport properties in (LaxSm1-x) 2/3Sr1/3MnO3 (x= 1/3, 1/2 and 2/3) manganites

Saket Asthana, AK Nigam, D Bahadur

Electromagnetic Materials, 2005, pp. 242--245

Effect of cobalt substitution on magneto-transport properties of Nd 0.7 Sr 0.3 Mn 1-x Co x O 3 (0.0⩽ x⩽ 1)

Saket Asthana, AK Nigam, D Bahadur

Journal of applied physics, vol. 97, American Institute of Physics, 2005, pp. 10C101

Processing, properties and some novel applications of magnetic nanoparticles

D Bahadur, J Giri, Bibhuti B Nayak, T Sriharsha, P Pradhan, NK Prasad, KC Barick, RD Ambashta

Pramana, vol. 65, Springer India, 2005, pp. 663--679

Fe3+ doped SiO2 nanostructured gel-glasses: Structural, optical and magnetic properties

KC Barick, BSD Ch S Varaprasad, BP Singh, D Bahadur

Journal of non-crystalline solids, vol. 351, North-Holland, 2005, pp. 3693--3698

Low temperature synthesis and magneto-electrical studies in Nd1- xPb x MnO3 system

RK Dwivedi, M Raghavendra Raj, D Bahadur

Journal of materials science, vol. 40, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005, pp. 4801--4805

Preparation and investigation of potentiality of different soft ferrites for hyperthermia applications

Jyotsnendu Giri, Pallab Pradhan, T Sriharsha, D Bahadur

Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 97, American Institute of Physics, 2005, pp. 10Q916

Synthesis of capped nanosized Mn $\$sub 1-$\$$\$sub x$\$ Zn $\$sub x$\$ Fe $\$sub 2$\$ O $\$sub 4$\$(0x0. 8) by microwave refluxing for bio-medical applications

Jyotsnendu Giri, Theerdhala Sriharsha, Saket Asthana, Tumkur K Gundu Rao, Arun K Nigam, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 293, 2005

Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Mumbai 400076, India

Jyotsnendu Giri, Theerdhala Sriharsha, Saket Asthana, Tumkur K Gundu Rao, Arun K Nigam, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 293, Amsterdam: North-Holland Pub. Co., 1975-, 2005, pp. 55--61

Synthesis of capped nanosized Mn1- xZnxFe2O4 (0⩽ x⩽ 0.8) by microwave refluxing for bio-medical applications

Jyotsnendu Giri, Theerdhala Sriharsha, Saket Asthana, Tumkur K Gundu Rao, Arun K Nigam, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 293, North-Holland, 2005, pp. 55--61

Preparation and characterization of phospholipid stabilized uniform sized magnetite nanoparticles

Jyotsnendu Giri, Sanjukta Guha Thakurta, Jayesh Bellare, Arun Kumar Nigam, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 293, North-Holland, 2005, pp. 62--68

Preparation and characterization of phospholipid stabilized uniform sized magnetite nanoparticles

Jyotsnendu Giri, Sanjukta Guha Thakurta, Jayesh Bellare, Arun Kumar Nigam, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 293, North-Holland, 2005, pp. 62--68

Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of Sr 2- x Ba x FeMoO 6 (0⩽ x⩽ 2)

AH Habib, A Saleem, CV Tomy, D Bahadur

Journal of applied physics, vol. 97, American Institute of Physics, 2005, pp. 10A906

Department of Metallurgical Engineering \& Materials Science, Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay, Mumbai-400076, India

AH Habib, CV Tomy, AK Nigam, D Bahadur

Physica-Section B, vol. 362, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1988-, 2005, pp. 108--117

Structural, transport and magnetic properties of Sr $\$sub 2-$\$$\$sub x$\$ Nd $\$sub x$\$ FeMoO $\$sub 6$\$(0x1)

AH Habib, CV Tomy, AK Nigam, D Bahadur

Physica. B, Condensed Matter, vol. 362, 2005

Structural, transport and magnetic properties of Sr2- xNdxFeMoO6 (0⩽ x⩽ 1)

AH Habib, CV Tomy, AK Nigam, D Bahadur

Physica B: Condensed Matter, vol. 362, North-Holland, 2005, pp. 108--117

Transport and magnetic properties of encapsulated Ni-NiO/ZrO/sub 2/nanostructures

BB Nayak, S Vitta, AK Nigam, D Bahadur

2005 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG), IEEE, 2005, pp. 1037--1038

Mixed mode electrical transport behavior in nanocrystalline La--Ca-Manganite synthesized by microwave refluxing

Bibhuti B Nayak, Satish Vitta, D Bahadur

physica status solidi (a), vol. 202, WILEY-VCH Verlag Berlin, 2005, pp. 2790--2799

Mixed mode electrical transport behavior in nanocrystalline La--Ca-Manganite synthesized by microwave refluxing

Bibhuti B Nayak, Satish Vitta, D Bahadur

physica status solidi (a), vol. 202, WILEY-VCH Verlag Berlin, 2005, pp. 2790--2799

Transport and magnetic properties of encapsulated Ni-Ni-O/Zr-O nanostructures

Bibhuti B Nayak, Satish Vitta, Arun K Nigam, Dhirendra Bahadur

IEEE transactions on magnetics, vol. 41, IEEE, 2005, pp. 3298--3300

Biocompatible suspension of nanosized $\gamma$-Fe 2 O 3 synthesized by novel methods

NK Prasad, D Panda, S Singh, MD Mukadam, SM Yusuf, D Bahadur

Journal of applied physics, vol. 97, American Institute of Physics, 2005, pp. 10Q903

Preparation of cellulose-based biocompatible suspension of nano-sized/spl gamma/-Al/sub x/Fe/sub 2-x/O/sub 3

NK Prasad, DULAL Panda, S Singh, DHIRENDRA Bahadur

IEEE transactions on magnetics, vol. 41, IEEE, 2005, pp. 4099--4101

Magneto-transport studies on (Pr $\$sub 1/3$\$ Sm $\$sub 2/3$\$)$\$sub 2/3$\$ A $\$sub 1/3$\$ MnO $\$sub 3$\$(A Ca, Sr and Ba) compounds

Saket Asthana, D Bahadur, AK Nigam, SK Malik

Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter, vol. 16, 2004

Magneto-transport studies on (Pr1/3Sm2/3) 2/3A1/3MnO3 (A= Ca, Sr and Ba) compounds

Saket Asthana, D Bahadur, AK Nigam, SK Malik

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 16, IOP Publishing, 2004, p. 5297

Inorganic Materials: Recent Advances

Dhirendra Bahadur

Alpha Science Int'l Ltd., 2004

Influence of Nucleating Agents on the Chemical Interaction of MgO Al2 O 3 SiO2 B 2 O 3 Glass Sealants with Components of SOFCs

D Bahadur, N Lahl, K Singh, L Singheiser, K Hilpert

Journal of the Electrochemical Society, vol. 151, IOP Publishing, 2004, pp. A558

Batteries, Fuel Cells, and Energy Conversion-Influence of Nucleating Agents on the Chemical Interaction of MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-B2O3 Glass Sealants with Components of SOFCs

D Bahadur, N Lahl, K Singh, L Singheiser, K Hilpert

Journal of the Electrochemical Society, vol. 151, New York, NY: Electrochemical Society, 1948-, 2004, pp. A558

Low temperature synthesis, and magnetic and magnetotransport properties of a (La1- xLux) 0.67 Ca0. 33MnO3 (0≤ x≤ 0.12) system

D Das, MR Raj, CM Srivastava, AK Nigam, D Bahadur, SK Malik

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 16, IOP Publishing, 2004, p. 6213

Magnetic and electrical transport properties of La 0.67 Ca 0.33 MnO 3 (LCMO): x SiCN composites

D Das, A Saha, CM Srivastava, R Raj, SE Russek, D Bahadur

Journal of applied physics, vol. 95, American Institute of Physics, 2004, pp. 7106--7108

Magnetorestistance and electrical transport properties of La0. 67Ca0. 33MnO3 (LCMO): xSiCN composites

D Das, Atanu Saha, Stephen E Russek, Rishi Raj, D Bahadur, others


Magnetic and electrical transport properties of La0. 67Ca0. 33MnO3 (LCMO): xZnO composites

D Das, CM Srivastava, D Bahadur, AK Nigam, SK Malik

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 16, IOP Publishing, 2004, p. 4089

Magnetic and electrical transport properties of La $\$sub 0.67$\$ Ca $\$sub 0.33$\$ MnO $\$sub 3$\$(LCMO): xZnO composites

D Das, CM Srivastava, D Bahadur, AK Nigam, SK Malik

Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter, vol. 16, 2004

Optimization of parameters for the synthesis of nano-sized Co 1- x Zn x Fe 2 O 4,(0≤ x≤ 0.8) by microwave refluxing

Jyotsnendu Giri, T Sriharsha, D Bahadur

Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol. 14, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2004, pp. 875--880

Structure and properties of La--Ca--Mn--O composites prepared by the glass-ceramic method

Bibhuti B Nayak, Satish Vitta, DHIRENDRA Bahadur, AK Nigam

Materials Science and Engineering: B, vol. 113, Elsevier, 2004, pp. 50--55


A Ritu, S Singh, PK Wattal, D Bahadur

Inorganic Materials: Recent Advances, Alpha Science Int'l Ltd., 2004, p. 398

Effect of Cr substitution on transport and magnetic ordering in Nd0. 50Sr0. 50Mn1-xCrxO3 (0.001⩽ x⩽ 0.20)

CM Srivastava, RK Dwivedi, Saket Asthana, AK Nigam, D Bahadur

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 284, North-Holland, 2004, pp. 239--252

Magnetic and transport studies in La $\$sub 1-x$\$ Ca $\$sub x$\$ Mn $\$sub 0.7$\$ Co $\$sub 0.3$\$ O $\$sub 3$\$(0.1 $\$<=$\$ x $\$<=$\$ 0.5)

D Verma, AK Nigam, TK Gundu Rao, D Bahadur

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 271, 2004

Magnetic and transport studies in La1- xCaxMn0. 7Co0. 3O3 (0.1⩽ x⩽ 0.5)

D Verma, AK Nigam, TK Gundu Rao, D Bahadur

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 271, North-Holland, 2004, pp. 172--179

Nano-aggregates of hexacyanoferrate (II)-loaded magnetite for removal of cesium from radioactive wastes

RD Ambashta, PK Wattal, S Singh, D Bahadur

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 267, North-Holland, 2003, pp. 335--340

Properties of CMR composites

D Bahadur, D Das

Journal of Chemical Sciences, vol. 115, Springer India, 2003, pp. 587--606

Biomaterials and magnetism

Dhirendra Bahadur, Jyotsnendu Giri

Sadhana, vol. 28, Springer India, 2003, pp. 639--656

Large magnetoresistance in (La 1- x Ca x MnO 3) 1- y: ZrO 2 composite

D Das, A Saha, SE Russek, R Raj, D Bahadur

Journal of applied physics, vol. 93, American Institute of Physics, 2003, pp. 8301--8303

Large magnetoresistance in (La 1- x Ca x MnO 3) 1- y: ZrO 2 composite

D Das, A Saha, SE Russek, R Raj, D Bahadur

Journal of applied physics, vol. 93, American Institute of Physics, 2003, pp. 8301--8303

Synthesis and characterization of biocompatible hydroxyapatite coated ferrite

S Deb, J Giri, S Dasgupta, D Datta, D Bahadur

Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 26, Springer India, 2003, pp. 655--660

Investigation on T c tuned nano particles of magnetic oxides for hyperthermia applications

Jyotsnendu Giri, Amlan Ray, S Dasgupta, D Datta, D Bahadur

Bio-medical materials and engineering, vol. 13, IOS Press, 2003, pp. 387--399

Evidence of spin transition and charge order in cobalt substituted La0. 7Ca0. 3MnO3

CM Srivastava, Santanu Banerjee, TK GunduRao, AK Nigam, D Bahadur

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 15, IOP Publishing, 2003, p. 2375

Evidence of spin transition and charge order in cobalt substituted La $\$sub 0.7$\$ Ca $\$sub 0.3$\$ MnO $\$sub 3$\$

CM Srivastava, Santanu Banerjee, TK GunduRao, AK Nigam, D Bahadur

Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter, vol. 15, 2003

Solution sol--gel processing and investigation of percolation threshold in La2/3Ca1/3MnO3: xSiO2 nanocomposite

D Das, P Chowdhury, RN Das, CM Srivastava, AK Nigam, Dhiren Bahadur

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 238, North-Holland, 2002, pp. 178--184

Influence of grain size and grain boundaries on the properties of La0. 7Sr0. 3CoxMn1- xO3

S Das, P Chowdhury, TK Gundu Rao, D Das, Dhiren Bahadur

Solid state communications, vol. 121, Pergamon, 2002, pp. 691--695

Chemical interactions between aluminosilicate base sealants and the components on the anode side of solid oxide fuel cells

N Lahl, D Bahadur, K Singh, L Singheiser, K Hilpert

Journal of The Electrochemical Society, vol. 149, IOP Publishing, 2002, pp. A607

Magnetic and M\"ossbauer studies of quasicrystalline Al70- xPd15T15Mx (T= Mn, Fe; M= Si, Ge; 0≤ x≤ 8)

DHIRENDRA Bahadur, CM Srivastava, M Foldeaki, A Giguere, RA Dunlap

Materials Science and Engineering: A, vol. 304, Elsevier, 2001, pp. 830--832

Crystallisation kinetics in AO-Al2O3-SiO2-B2O3 glasses (A= Ba, Ca, Mg)

N Lahl, K Singh, L Singheiser, K Hilpert, D Bahadur

Journal of materials science, vol. 35, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, pp. 3089--3096

Investigation of Site Occupation in Non-Stoichiometric Ni-Zr Substituted Barium Hexaferrites

Manisha V Rane, D Bahadur, AK Nigam, CM Srivastava

Metal Matrix Composites and Metallic Foams, vol. 5, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH \& Co. KGaA Weinheim, FRG, 2000, pp. 29--33

Aluminosilicate glass ceramics as sealant in SOFC stacks

N Lahl, L Singheiser, K Hilpert, K Singh, D Bahadur

ECS Proceedings Volumes, vol. 1999, IOP Publishing, 1999, p. 1057

Magnetic Properties of NiZr Substituted Barium Ferrite [J]

V Rane Manisha, D Bahadur, SD Kulkarni, others

J. Magn. Magn. Mater., vol. 195, 1999, pp. L256--L260

Magnetic properties of NiZr substituted barium ferrite

Manisha V Rane, D Bahadur, SD Kulkarni, SK Date

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 195, North-Holland, 1999, pp. L256--L260

M\"ossbauer and FT-IR studies on non-stoichiometric barium hexaferrites

Manisha V Rane, D Bahadur, AK Nigam, CM Srivastava

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 192, Elsevier, 1999, pp. 288--296

Fourier transform-infrared studies of non-stoichiometric Ni-Zr substituted barium ferrite

MV Rane, D Bahadur, CM Srivastava

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 32, IOP Publishing, 1999, p. 2001

Characterization of SiO2--Na2O--Fe2O 3--CaO--P2O 5--B 2O 3 glass ceramics

K Singh, D Bahadur

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, vol. 10, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, pp. 481--484

Characterization of SiO sub 2-Na sub 2 O-Fe sub 2 O sub 3-CaO- P sub 2 O sub 5-B sub 2 O sub 3 glass ceramics

K Singh, D Bahadur

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine(UK), vol. 10, 1999, pp. 481--484

Importance of structural tuning in manganites

D Bahadur, RA Dunlap

Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 21, Springer India, 1998, pp. 393--398

In-situ high-temperature X-ray diffraction studies of non-stoichiometric Ni--Zr substituted barium hexagonal ferrites prepared by citrate precursor route

DHIRENDRA Bahadur, W Fischer, MV Rane

Materials Science and Engineering: A, vol. 252, Elsevier, 1998, pp. 109--116

Studies on synthesis of calcium ferrite-based bio glass ceramics

BR Jagadish, N Prabhu, D Bahadur

Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 21, Springer India, 1998, pp. 133--137

Influence of iridium on the reactivity of LaFeO3 base perovskites

L Kindermann, D Das, D Bahadur, H Nickel, K Hilpert

Solid State Ionics, vol. 106, Elsevier, 1998, pp. 165--172

Cell culture approach to biocompatibility evaluation of unconventionally prepared hydroxyapatite

PK Kundu, TS Waghode, D Bahadur, D Datta

Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, vol. 36, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998, pp. 654--658

A variable temperature ferromagnetic resonance study of Ni--Zr-substituted non-stoichiometric barium ferrite samples

Sushil K Misra, Manisha V Rane, Chandramani Srivastava, Dhirendra Bahadur

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 187, Elsevier, 1998, pp. 93--104

Magnetic and electronic properties of the magnetoresistive perovskites La0. 67- xBixCa0. 33MnO3

MC Walsh, M Foldeaki, A Giguere, DHIRENDRA Bahadur, SK Mandal, RA Dunlap

Physica B: Condensed Matter, vol. 253, North-Holland, 1998, pp. 103--110

Magnetic properties of al-based icosahedral alloys

D Bahadur

Progress in crystal growth and characterization of materials, vol. 34, Pergamon, 1997, pp. 287--301

Magnetoresistance studies of La0. 6M0. 07Ca0. 33MnO3 (M Er, Yb, Bi) perovskites

D Bahadur, M Foldeaki, SK Mandal, MH Yewondwossen, Z Koziol, RA Dunlap

Journal of alloys and compounds, vol. 256, Elsevier, 1997, pp. 76--81

Magnetoresistance studies of La0. 6M0. 07Ca0. 33MnO3 (M Er, Yb, Bi) perovskites

D Bahadur, M Foldeaki, SK Mandal, MH Yewondwossen, Z Koziol, RA Dunlap

Journal of alloys and compounds, vol. 256, Elsevier, 1997, pp. 76--81

Magnetoresistance studies of La $\$sub 0.6$\$ M $\$sub 0.07$\$ Ca $\$sub 0.33$\$ MnO $\$sub 3$\$(M= Er, Yb, Bi) perovskites

D Bahadur, M Foldeaki, SK Mandal, MH Yewondwossen, Z Koziol, RA Dunlap

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 256, 1997

Magnetoresistance studies of La0. 6M0. 07Ca0. 33MnO3 (M Er, Yb, Bi) perovskites

D Bahadur, M Foldeaki, SK Mandal, MH Yewondwossen, Z Koziol, RA Dunlap

Journal of alloys and compounds, vol. 256, Elsevier, 1997, pp. 76--81

Chemical Interactions between La-Sr-Mn-Fe-O-Based Perovskites and Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia

Lutz Kindermann, Dasarathi Das, Dhirendra Bahadur, Reinhard Wei, Hubertus Nickel, Klaus Hilpert

Journal of the American Ceramic Society, vol. 80, American Ceramics Society Westerville, Ohio, 1997, pp. 909--914

Chemical Interactions between La-Sr-Mn-Fe-O-Based Perovskites and Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia

Lutz Kindermann, Dasarathi Das, Dhirendra Bahadur, Reinhard Wei, Hubertus Nickel, Klaus Hilpert

Journal of the American Ceramic Society, vol. 80, American Ceramics Society Westerville, Ohio, 1997, pp. 909--914

Electron transport in Al65Cu20Co15- xFex quasicrystals

K Singh, D Bahadur, S Radha, AK Nigam, Shiva Prasad

Journal of alloys and compounds, vol. 257, Elsevier, 1997, pp. 57--61

Metastable Ti Ni Fe Si alloys prepared by mechanical alloying

D Bahadur, RA Dunlap, M Foldeaki

Journal of alloys and compounds, vol. 240, Elsevier, 1996, pp. 278--284

Physical properties of the giant magnetoresistive perovskite system La-Er-Ca-Mn-O

D Bahadur, M Yewondwossen, Z Koziol, M Foldeaki, RA Dunlap

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 8, IOP Publishing, 1996, p. 5235

Characterization of BaFe12-2xCoxZrxO19 (0≤ x≤ 0.5) synthesised by citrate gel precursor route

Manisha V Rane, D Bahadur, SK Mandal, MJ Patni

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 153, North-Holland, 1996, pp. L1--L4

Magnetic and electronic properties of the magnetically ordered quasicrystalline alloys Al70--x Pd15Mn15B x

M Yewondwossen, Z Koziol, D Bahadur, ZJ Yang, M Foldeaki, RA Dunlap

Journal of applied physics, vol. 79, American Institute of Physics, 1996, pp. 5995--5997

Structural and magnetic studies of amorphous and icosahedral Al65Cr10Fe10Ge15 synthesized through mechanical alloying

D Bahadur, K Singh, CM Srivastava, E Ivanov

physica status solidi (b), vol. 192, WILEY-VCH Verlag Berlin, 1995, pp. 17--22

Ferromagnetic resonance studies of icosahedral Al-Mn-Pd-B alloys

D Bahadur, CM Srivastava, MH Yewondwossen, RA Dunlap

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 7, IOP Publishing, 1995, p. 9883

Effect of Sb 2 O 3 and ZrO 2 as nucleating agents on the glass crystal transformation in Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-0 system

B Krishnamohan, Satish Vitta, D Bahadur

Journal of materials science letters, vol. 14, Springer Netherlands, 1995, pp. 1627--1630

EPR, X-ray, and magnetization studies of metastable alloys Ti2Fe, Al40Cu10Mn25Ge25 and Al65Cu20Fe15 as prepared by mechanical alloying

SK Misra, M Kahrizi, K Singh, N Venkatramani, D Bahadur

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 150, North-Holland, 1995, pp. 430--436

Resistivity studies of melt spun and annealed Al-Mn-Fe-Si multiply twinned samples

Kulvir Singh, D Bahadur, GVS Sastry

Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 18, Springer India, 1995, pp. 155--160

Hexaferrite for Recording Application

D Bahadur, Manisha V Rane, MJ Patni

MEMOIRS-GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA, Geological Society of India, 1994, pp. 253--268

Transformation studies of M-to W-type hexaferrite in BaFe12- 2xCo3xO19

SK Mandal, K Singh, D Bahadur

Journal of materials science, vol. 29, Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers, 1994, pp. 3738--3742

Magnetic and EPR studies of spark eroded icosahedral Al-Mn-Si alloy

D Bahadur, K Singh

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 119, North-Holland, 1993, pp. 76--80

Studies on Bi-2223 phase formation through glass precursor approach

B Krishnamohan, D Bahadur, SS Vitta, K Adhikary, MR Gonal, NC Soni, Ram Prasad

Proceedings of the solid state physics symposium. Vol. 35C, 1993

Role of palladium as nucleating agent in Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O glass ceramics

GH Upadhyay, D Bahadur, Prakash Om

Proceedings of the DAE solid state physics symposium. Vol. 36-C, 1993

Current trends in applications of magnetic ceramic materials

D Bahadur

Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 15, Springer India, 1992, pp. 431--439

Ag sub 2 O as nucleating agent in the crystallization of superconducting phase in Bi sub 2 Sr sub 2 Ca sub 4 Cu sub 5 O sub y glass composition

D Bahadur, KP Gupta, N Sudhakar, SV Sharma, AK Majumdar

Physica C: Superconductivity;(Netherlands), vol. 190, 1992

Ferromagnetic icosahedral Al Cu Mn Ge alloy by mechanical alloying

D Bahadur, K Singh, M Roy

Materials Science and Engineering: A, vol. 154, Elsevier, 1992, pp. 79--84

Ag2O as nucleating agent in the crystallization of superconducting phase in Bi2Sr2Ca4Cu5$\gamma$ glass composition

D Bahadur, N Sudhakar, SV Sharma, KP Gupta, AK Majumdar

Physica C: Superconductivity, vol. 190, North-Holland, 1992, pp. 527--536

Magnetic properties of As2O3-and Sb2O3-doped Ba-M hexagonal ferrites prepared by the sol-gel method

P Brahma, Anit K Giri, D Chakravorty, M Roy, D Bahadur

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 117, North-Holland, 1992, pp. 163--168

Preparation of Ba-W hexaferrite by Sb2O3 doping

P Brahma, Anit K Girl, M Roy, D Bahadur, D Chakravorty

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 103, North-Holland, 1992, pp. 174--178

Magnetic moment and spin glass behaviour in an Al65Mn20Ge15 quasicrystal

MF Hundley, ME McHenry, RA Dunlap, V Srinivas, D Bahadur

Philosophical Magazine B, vol. 66, Taylor \& Francis, 1992, pp. 239--250

M\"ossbauer spectroscopic studies of glass ceramics with hexagonal barium and strontium ferrites

UC Johri, RM Singru, D Bahadur

Journal of materials science, vol. 27, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992, pp. 6223--6228

Formation of metastable aluminium-based alloys by mechanical alloying

M Roy, K Singh, D Bahadur

Journal of materials science letters, vol. 11, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992, pp. 858--861

Phase separated glass and resultant superconducting glass ceramics in Bi Sr Ca Cu O (2245) composition

SV Sharma, N Sudhakar, A Das, AK Majumdar, KP Gupta, D Bahadur

Materials research bulletin, vol. 27, Pergamon, 1992, pp. 247--254

Effect of Low Lead Doping in Bi sub 4--x Pb sub x Sr sub 4 Ca sub 5 Cu sub 7 O sub y: a Disproportion Reaction Study

D Bahadur, A Banerjee, A Das, KP Gupta, K Singh, N Sudhakar, M Tewari, AK Majumdar

Journal of Materials Science Letters, vol. 10, 1991, pp. 316--319

Effect of low lead doping in Bi4- x Pb x Sr4Ca5Cu7O y: a disproportionation reaction study

D Bahadur, A Banerjee, A Das, KP Gupta, K Singh, N Sudhakar, M Tewari, AK Majumdar

Journal of materials science letters, vol. 10, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991, pp. 316--319

Electrical resistivity studies of quasicrystalline Ti56Ni28-xFexSi16 (0< or= x< or= 15)

D Bahadur, A Das, K Singh, AK Majumdar

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 3, IOP Publishing, 1991, p. 4125

Structure and Superconductivity in Y3+ Ba2+ 2-xNa+ xCu3+ 3-yCu2+ yO2-8-(x+ y)/2-$\delta$

D Bahadur, KP Gupta, M Tewari

Retrospective Collection, vol. 7, Trans Tech Publications, 1991, pp. 727--732

Synthesis of icosahedral Al-Mn-Si alloy by spark erosion

D Bahadur, M Tewari, K Singh

Journal of materials science letters, vol. 10, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991, pp. 361--363

Synthesis of icosahedral Al-Mn-Si alloy by spark erosion

D Bahadur, M Tewari, K Singh

Journal of materials science letters, vol. 10, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991, pp. 361--363

Magnetic properties of Sb2O3-doped Ba-M hexagonal ferrites

P Brahma, Anit K Giri, D Chakravorty, M Tiwari, D Bahadur

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 102, North-Holland, 1991, pp. 109--115

Electrical resistivity in polycrystalline La1. 8Sr0. 2CuO4 and YBa2Cu3O7- $\delta$-temperature dependence and critical fluctuations

N Sudhakar, MK Pillai, A Banerjee, D Bahadur, A Das, KP Gupta, SV Sharma, AK Majumdar

Solid state communications, vol. 77, Pergamon, 1991, pp. 529--533

Effect of optimum thermal treatment on BiSrCaCu2Oy

D Bahadur, A Banerjee, A Das, KP Gupta, A Mitra, M Tewari, AK Majumdar

Journal of materials science, vol. 25, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990, pp. 4852--4855

Development of Glass Ceramics with Hexaferrites as Magnetic Phases

D Bahadur, Dipankar Chakravorty

Advances in Ferrites: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Ferrites, January 10-13, 1989, Bombay, India, Trans Tech Publications, 1990, p. 189

Advances in the physics of quasicrystals

D Bahadur, RA Dunlap

Physics Education, 1990

Preparation of barium hexagonal ferrites by sol-gel method

P Brahma, D Chakravorty, K Singh, D Bahadur

Journal of materials science letters, vol. 9, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990, pp. 1438--1440

Magnetic and M\"ossbauer Studies of the System LaCo1- xZrxO3 (x= 0.1, 0.3, 0.5)

UC Johri, RM Singru, D Bahadur

physica status solidi (b), vol. 161, Wiley Online Library, 1990, pp. 357--365


UC Johri, RM Singru, S Ram, Dipankar Chakravorty, D Bahadur

Crystal Properties and Preparation, vol. 27, Trans Tech Publications, 1990, p. 819


UC Johri, RM Singru, S Ram, Dipankar Chakravorty, D Bahadur

Crystal Properties and Preparation, vol. 27, Trans Tech Publications, 1990, p. 819


UC Johri, RM Singru, S Ram, Dipankar Chakravorty, D Bahadur

Crystal Properties and Preparation, vol. 27, Trans Tech Publications, 1990, p. 819

Magnetic properties of icosahedral Al-Cr-Mn-Ge alloys

ME McHenry, RA Dunlap, V Srinivas, D Bahadur, RC O’Handley

Physical Review B, vol. 41, APS, 1990, p. 6933

Physical properties of icosahedral Al─ Cr─ Fe─ Ge alloys

V Srinivas, RA Dunlap, D Bahadur, E Dunlap

Philosophical Magazine B, vol. 61, Taylor \& Francis, 1990, pp. 177--188

Superconducting glass ceramics in Bi Pb Sr Ca Cu O system

D Bahadur, A Banerjee, A Das, KP Gupta, A Mitra, M Tewari, AK Majumdar

Materials research bulletin, vol. 24, Pergamon, 1989, pp. 1405--1412

Superconducting glass ceramics in BiPbSrCaCuO system

D. Bahadur, A. Banerjee, A. Das, K.P. Gupta, A. Mitra, M. Tewari, A.K. Majumdar

Materials Research Bulletin, vol. 24, 1989, pp. 1405-1412

Electronic properties of the defect perovskite system La1- xLixMO3

D Bahadur, Ram Bilas, BSR Murty

Physica status solidi (b), vol. 154, WILEY-VCH Verlag Berlin, 1989, pp. 297--303

Structure and Superconductivity in Y exp 3+ Ba exp 2+ sub 2--x Na exp+ sub x Cu exp 3+ sub 3--y Cu exp 2+ sub y O exp 2-- sub 8--(x+ y)/2-- delta

D Bahadur, KP Gupta, M Tewari, A Banerjee, A Das, A Mitra, AK Majumdar

Advances in Ferrites., vol. 2, 1989, pp. 727--731

Studies of hydrogen diffusion in metastable Ti Ni Fe Si alloys

D Bahadur, V Srinivas, RA Dunlap

Journal of non-crystalline solids, vol. 109, North-Holland, 1989, pp. 54--58

Structural relaxation in icosahedral Al65Cr10Fe10Ge15

D Bahadur, V Srinivas, RA Dunlap

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 1, IOP Publishing, 1989, p. 2561

Studies of hydrogen diffusion in metastable TiNiFeSi alloys

D. Bahadur, V. Srinivas, R.A. Dunlap

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, vol. 109, 1989, pp. 54-58

Properties of rapidly solidified Ti—Ni—Fe—Si alloys

D Bahadur, V Srinivas, RA Dunlap, RC O'handley, ME McHenry

Philosophical Magazine B, vol. 60, Taylor \& Francis Group, 1989, pp. 871--880

Quasicrystalline Ti-Ni-Fe-Si: Mössbauer indications for high transition-metal-site symmetry

R.A. Dunlap, M.E. McHenry, R.C. O'Handley, V. Srinivas, D. Bahadur

Physical Review B, vol. 39, 1989, pp. 1942-1945

M\"ossbauer indications for high transition metal site symmetry in quasicrystalline Ti 66 Ni23Fe5Si6

RA Dunlap, ME McHenry, RC O’Handley, V Srinivas, D Bahadur

Phys. Rev. B, vol. 39, 1989, pp. 1942--1945

Quasicrystalline Ti-Ni-Fe-Si: M\"ossbauer indications for high transition-metal-site symmetry

RA Dunlap, ME McHenry, RC O’Handley, V Srinivas, D Bahadur

Physical Review B, vol. 39, APS, 1989, p. 1942

Ferromagnetism in icosahedral Al-Mn-Si alloys

RA Dunlap, ME McHenry, V Srinivas, D Bahadur, RC O’Handley

Physical Review B, vol. 39, APS, 1989, p. 4808

Structural, thermal, and magnetic properties of icosahedral Al-Cr-Mn-Si alloys

ME McHenry, V Srinivas, D Bahadur, RC O’Handley, DJ Lloyd, RA Dunlap

Physical Review B, vol. 39, APS, 1989, p. 3611

Ferromagnetic resonance study of icosahedral and amorphous Al 55 Mn 20 Si 25 alloys

Sushil K Misra, Lucjan E Misiak, Dhirendra Bahadur, V Srinivas, RA Dunlap

Physical Review B, vol. 40, American Physical Society, 1989, p. 7537

High-symmetry transition-metal sites in Ti56Ni 28-xFexSi16 quasicrystals

R.A. Dunlap, M.E. McHenry, R.C. O'Handley, D. Bahadur, V. Srinivas

Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 64, 1988, pp. 5956-5958

High-symmetry transition-metal sites in Ti56Ni28- x Fe x Si16 quasicrystals

RA Dunlap, ME McHenry, RC O’Handley, D Bahadur, V Srinivas

Journal of applied physics, vol. 64, American Institute of Physics, 1988, pp. 5956--5958

Preparation and structure of the system La1-xNaxCo1-xNbxO3 (0.01 ≤x ≤ 0.99)

O. Parkash, R. Kumar, D. Kumar, D. Bahadur

Journal of Materials Science Letters, vol. 7, 1988, pp. 383-385

Preparation and structure of the system La1- x Na x Co1- x Nb x O3 (0.01⩽ x⩽ 0.99)

Om Parkash, Rabindra Kumar, Devendra Kumar, D Bahadur

Journal of materials science letters, vol. 7, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988, pp. 383--385

Magnetic and microstructural studies of Ca-hexaferrite based glass-ceramics

S. Ram, D. Bahadur, D. Chakravorty

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, vol. 101, 1988, pp. 227-242

Magnetic properties of BaFe12O19 particles with B2O3 addition

S. Ram, D. Bahadur, D. Chakravorty

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 71, 1988, pp. 359-363

Magnetic and microstructural studies of Ca-hexaferrite based glass-ceramics

Shankar Ram, D Bahadur, D Chakravorty

Journal of non-crystalline solids, vol. 101, North-Holland, 1988, pp. 227--242

Magnetic properties of BaFe12O19 particles with B2O3 addition

Shankar Ram, D Bahadur, D Chakravorty

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 71, North-Holland, 1988, pp. 359--363

A ferromagnetic resonance study of as-quenched and annealed amorphous Fe78Cr2B12Si8

D Bahadur, Ram Bilas, Prem Chand, RA Dunlap

Journal of materials science, vol. 22, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1987, pp. 2477--2480

A Ferromagnetic Resonance Study of As-Quenched and Annealed Amorphous Fe sub 78 Cr sub 2 B sub 12 Si sub 8

D Bahadur, R Bilas, P Chand, R Dunlap

J. Mater. Sci., vol. 22, 1987, pp. 2477--2480

A ferromagnetic resonance study of as-quenched and annealed amorphous Fe78Cr2B12Si8

D. Bahadur, R. Bilas, P. Chand, R.A. Dunlap

Journal of Materials Science, vol. 22, 1987, pp. 2477-2480

Electron energy loss spectra of microscopy regions of quasicrystalline and crystalline Al86Mn14 alloys

D Bahadur, PH Gaskell, D Imeson

Physics Letters A, vol. 120, North-Holland, 1987, pp. 417--421

Studies of Aluminium-Manganese Quasi-Crystals by Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy

D Bahadur, PH Gaskell, D Imeson

Key Engineering Materials, vol. 13, Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 1987, pp. 267--270

Electron energy loss spectra of microscopy regions of quasicrystalline and crystalline Al86Mn14 alloys

D. Bahadur, P.H. Gaskell, D. Imeson

Physics Letters A, vol. 120, 1987, pp. 417-421

Characterization of RF-sputtered garnet films

D Bahadur, others

Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 9, Springer India, 1987, pp. 349--353

FMR in as Prepared and Annealed Fe74Cr6B12Si8 Metallic Glass

Ram Bilas, D Bahadur, Prem Chand, RA Dunlap

Key Engineering Materials, vol. 13, Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 1987, pp. 609--613

Characterization of dysprosium and samarium iron garnets synthesized by the citrate gel process

V.K.S. Narayanan, N.S. Gajbhiye, D. Bahadur

Journal of Materials Science Letters, vol. 6, 1987, pp. 281-284

Characterization of dysprosium and samarium iron garnets synthesized by the citrate gel process

VKS Narayanan, NS Gajbhiye, D Bahadur

Journal of materials science letters, vol. 6, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1987, pp. 281--284

Characterization of dysprosium and samarium iron garnets synthesized by the citrate gel process

VKS Narayanan, NS Gajbhiye, D Bahadur

Journal of materials science letters, vol. 6, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1987, pp. 281--284

Characterization of RF-sputtered garnet films

Rambilas, D. Bahadur

Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 9, 1987, pp. 349-353

Crystallisation of W-type hexagonal ferrites in an oxide glass with As2O3 as nucleation catalyst

S Ram, D Bahadur, D Chakravorty

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 67, North-Holland, 1987, pp. 378--386

Crystallisation of W-type hexagonal ferrites in an oxide glass with As2O3 as nucleation catalyst

S. Ram, D. Bahadur, D. Chakravorty

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 67, 1987, pp. 378-386

Crystallisation of yttrium-iron-garnet (YIG) in a borate glass

S Ram, S Datta, D Chakravorty, D Bahadur

Journal of non-crystalline solids, vol. 91, North-Holland, 1987, pp. 165--169

Crystallisation of yttrium-iron-garnet (YIG) in a borate glass

S. Ram, S. Datta, D. Chakravorty, D. Bahadur

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, vol. 91, 1987, pp. 165-169

Crystallization of W-type hexagonal ferrites in an oxide glass with As sub 2 O sub 3 as nucleation catalyst

Shankar Ram, D Bahadur, D Chakravorty

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 67 pp., vol. 378, 1987

Effect of annealing conditions on high temperature superconductivity in La2_XSrXCuO4

A.K. Rastogi, M. Tewari, D. Bahadur

Phase Transitions, vol. 10, 1987, pp. 123-130

Effect of annealing conditions on high temperature superconductivity in La2- xSrxCuO4

Ashok Kumar Rastogi, Alok Banerjee, Manju Tewari, Dhirendra Bahadur

Phase Transitions: A Multinational Journal, vol. 10, Taylor \& Francis, 1987, pp. 123--130

Synthesis and characterization of NASICON based glass

D Bahadur

physica status solidi (a), vol. 98, WILEY-VCH Verlag Berlin, 1986, pp. K23--K26

Synthesis and Characterization of NASICON Based Glass

D. Bahadur

physica status solidi (a), vol. 98, 1986, pp. K23-K26

Properties of YIG-based magnetic glass-ceramics with different nucleating agents

D Bahadur, D Chakravorty, D Chattopadhyaya, S Datta, SK Khan, S Mitra, S Ram, D Roy, K Sengupta

Journal of materials science, vol. 21, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1986, pp. 2793--2797

Properties of YIG-based magnetic glass-ceramics with different nucleating agents

D. Bahadur, D. Chakravorty, D. Chattopadhyaya, S. Datta, S.K. Khan, S. Mitra, S. Ram, D. Roy, K. Sengupta

Journal of Materials Science, vol. 21, 1986, pp. 2793-2797


D. Bahadur, P.H. Gaskell, D. Imeson

Key Eng Mater, vol. 13, 1986, pp. 267-270

M\"ossbauer spectroscopic studies of Y3- x Gd x Fe5O12 (x= 0, 0.5 and 3.0) prepared by an amorphous citrate process

D Bahadur, Virendra Kumar, RM Singru

Journal of materials science, vol. 21, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1986, pp. 669--673

Mössbauer spectroscopic studies of Y3-xGdxFe5O12(x =0, 0.5 and 3.0) prepared by an amorphous citrate process

D. Bahadur, V. Kumar, R.M. Singru

Journal of Materials Science, vol. 21, 1986, pp. 669-673

Characterization of amorphous films of gadolinium iron garnet synthesized by spray pyrolysis

D Bahadur, D Roy, S Ram

Adv. Ceram., 16 pp., vol. 651, 1986

Effect of iron substitution in manganese aluminosilicate glass and glass ceramics

Ram Bilas, D Bahadur

physica status solidi (a), vol. 94, WILEY-VCH Verlag Berlin, 1986, pp. K41--K45


Ram Bilas, D. Bahadur, Prem Chand, R.A. Dunlap

Key Eng Mater, vol. 13, 1986, pp. 609-614

Effect of Iron Substitution in Manganese Aluminosilicate Glass and Glass Ceramics

R. Bilas, D. Bahadur

physica status solidi (a), vol. 94, 1986, pp. K41-K45

Preparation of glass metal microcomposites by sol-gel route

S Datta, D Chakravorty, SS Mitra

Journal of materials science letters, vol. 5, Kluwer Academic, 1986, pp. 89--90

Preparation of glass-metal microcomposites by sol-gel route

S. Datta, S.S. Mitra, D. Chakravorty, S. Ram, D. Bahadur

Journal of Materials Science Letters, vol. 5, 1986, pp. 89-90

Electrical properties of La 2 TiMO 6 (M= Fe, Ni, Cu, and Zn)

O Parkash, DK Gangopadhayay, D Kumar, D Bahadur

Physica Status Solidi. A, Applied Research, vol. 96, 1986, pp. K79--K83

Electrical properties of La/sub 2/TiMO/sub 6/(M= Fe, Ni, Cu, and Zn)

O Parkash, DK Gangopadhayay, D Kumar, D Bahadur

Phys. Status Solidi A;(German Democratic Republic), vol. 96, 1986




Electrical Properties of La2TiMo6(M = Fe, Ni, Cu, and Zn)

O. Prakash, D. Kumar, D.K. Gangopadhayan, D. Bahadur

physica status solidi (a), vol. 96, 1986, pp. K79-K83

Magnetic glass-ceramics with hexagonal lead ferrites

S Ram, D Bahadur, D Chakravorty

Journal of non-crystalline solids, vol. 88, North-Holland, 1986, pp. 311--322

Development of glass-ceramics with hexaferrites as magnetic phase

S Ram, D Bahadur, D Chakravorty

International Congress on Glass, Collected Papers, 14 th,, vol. 1336, 1986


S. Ram, D. Bahadur, D. Chakravorty

vol. 1, 1986, pp. 336-343

Magnetic glass-ceramics with hexagonal lead ferrites

S. Ram, D. Bahadur, D. Chakravorty

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, vol. 88, 1986, pp. 311-322

Effect of nucleating agents on the crystallisation behaviour of barium hexaferrite in a borate glass

S Ram, D Chakravorty, D Bahadur

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, vol. 62, North-Holland, 1986, pp. 221--232

Effect of nucleating agents on the crystallisation behaviour of barium hexaferrite in a borate glass

S. Ram, D. Chakravorty, D. Bahadur

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 62, 1986, pp. 221-232


D. Bahadur, D. Roy, R. Bhatnagar, V. Kumar, R.M. Singru

Advances in Ceramics, vol. 16, 1985, pp. 645-649


D. Bahadur, D. Roy, S. Ram

Advances in Ceramics, vol. 16, 1985, pp. 651-655

Moessbauer studies of the system La/sub 1-x/Sr/sub x/Co/sub 1-y/Ti/sub y/O/sub 3

V Kumar, RM Singru, D Bahadur, O Parkash

Phys. Status Solidi B;(German Democratic Republic), vol. 128, 1985

Mössbauer Studies of the System La1−xSrxCo1−yTiyO3

V. Kumar, R.M. Singru, O. Parkash, D. Bahadur

physica status solidi (b), vol. 128, 1985, pp. 223-230

M\"ossbauer Studies of the System La1- xSrxCo1- yTiyO3

V Kumar, RM Singru, Om Parkash, D Bahadur

physica status solidi (b), vol. 128, WILEY-VCH Verlag Berlin, 1985, pp. 223--230


Saumya Nigam, Lina Pradhan, D Bahadur

10th Anniversary Issue, vol. 13, 1985, p. 29

Magnetic behaviour and microstructural properties of amorphous and crystallized Y3- x GdxFe5O12 prepared by the amorphous citrate process (x= 0, 0.5 and 3)

D Roy, R Bhatnagar, D Bahadur

Journal of materials science, vol. 20, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1985, pp. 157--164

CHARACTERIZATION OF Al//2Mn//2//. //5Fe//0//. //5Si//3O//1//2 GLASS.

D. Roy, D. Kumar, D. Bahadur

Advances in Ceramics, vol. 16, 1985, pp. 627-632

Electron transport in non-crystalline garnet films

D Bahadur, D Roy, B Singh, D Saran

Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 6, Springer India, 1984, pp. 53--57

Electron transport in non-crystalline garnet films

D. Bahadur, D. Roy, B. Singh, D. Saran

Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 6, 1984, pp. 53-57

Colloidal bismuth as nucleation catalyst for preparing magnetic glass-ceramics

D Chakravorty, D Chattopadhyay, S Datta, SK Khan, K Sengupta, D Bahadur

Journal of materials science letters, vol. 3, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1984, pp. 461--463

Colloidal bismuth as nucleation catalyst for preparing magnetic glass-ceramics

D. Chakravorty, D. Chattopadhyay, S. Datta, S.K. Khan, K. Sengupta, D. Bahadur

Journal of Materials Science Letters, vol. 3, 1984, pp. 461-463

Magnetic properties of barium borate glasses containing nickel micro-granules

S Datta, D Bahadur, D Chakravorty

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 17, IOP Publishing, 1984, p. 163

Magnetic properties of barium borate glasses containing nickel micro-granules

S. Datta, D. Bahadur, D. Chakravorty

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 17, 1984, pp. 163-169

M\"ossbauer studies of the effect of nucleating agents on the crystallization of YIG in the Na2O-SiO2-Y2O3-Fe3O3 glass system

Akhilesh Prasad, RM Singru, D Bahadur, D Chakravorty

Journal of materials science, vol. 19, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1984, pp. 3021--3027

Mössbauer studies of the effect of nucleating agents on the crystallization of YIG in the Na2O-SiO2-Y2O3-Fe3O3 glass system

A. Prasad, R.M. Singru, D. Bahadur, D. Chakravorty

Journal of Materials Science, vol. 19, 1984, pp. 3021-3027

Crystallisation behaviour and magnetic properties of Al2 O3 · Fe2 O3 · Mno · SiO2 glass

D. Roy, D. Kumar, D. Bahadur

physica status solidi (a), vol. 82, 1984, pp. K11-K15

Crystallisation behaviour and magnetic properties of Al2 O3\textperiodcentered Fe2 O3\textperiodcentered Mno\textperiodcentered SiO2 glass

D Roy, Devendra Kumar, D Bahadur

physica status solidi (a), vol. 82, WILEY-VCH Verlag Berlin, 1984, pp. K11--K15

Mössbauer spectroscopy of titanium-substituted iron garnets

C.M. Srivastava, S.N. Shringi, B. Uma Maheshwar Rao, D. Bahadur, O. Parakash

Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 6, 1984, pp. 17-20

M\"ossbauer spectroscopy of titanium-substituted iron garnets

CM Srivastava, SN Shringi, B Uma Maheshwar Rao, D Bahadur, Om Parakash

Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 6, Springer India, 1984, pp. 17--20

Magnetic properties of glass ceramics in system 45PbO-35B2O3-4Al2O3-10Fe2O3-6Y2O3

D Bahadur, D Chakravorty, Akhilesh Prasad, RM Singru

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 31, North-Holland, 1983, pp. 1513--1515

Magnetic properties of glass ceramics in system 45PbO-35B2O3-4Al2O3-10Fe2O3-6Y2O3

D. Bahadur, D. Chakravorty, A. Prasad, R.M. Singru

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 31-34, 1983, pp. 1513-1515

Electron transport and magnetic properties of La1- xSrxCo1- yTiyO3 (x= 0a or x= yb)

D Bahadur, Om Parkash

Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 46, Academic Press, 1983, pp. 197--203

Electron transport and magnetic properties of La1- xSrxCo1- yTiyO3 (x= 0a or x= yb)

D Bahadur, Om Parkash

Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 46, Academic Press, 1983, pp. 197--203

Electron transport and magnetic properties of La1-xSrxCo1-yTiyO3 (x = 0a or x = yb)

D. Bahadur, O.M. Parkash

Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 46, 1983, pp. 197-203

Spin-state equilibria in YbCoO3

D Bahadur

Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 4, Springer India, 1982, pp. 7--9

Spin-state equilibria in YbCoO3

D. Bahadur

Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 4, 1982, pp. 7-9

Effect of nucleating agents on YIG crystallization in Na sub 2 O-SiO sub 2-Y sub 2 O sub 3-Fe sub 2 O sub 3 glass system

D Bahadur, PK Das, D Chakravorty

Journal of Applied Physics, 53[N-11, Pt.], vol. 7813, 1982

Effect of nucleating agents on YIG crystallization in Na2O--SiO2--Y2O3--Fe2O3 glass system

D Bahadur, PK Das, D Chakravorty

Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 53, American Institute of Physics, 1982, pp. 7813--7815

Effect of nucleating agents on YIG crystallization in Na 2O-SiO2-Y2O3-Fe2O 3 glass system

D. Bahadur, P.K. Das, D. Chakravorty

Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 53, 1982, pp. 7813-7815

Preparation of glass-ceramics containing YIG

D Bahadur, B Sharma, D Chakravorty

Journal of Materials Science Letters, vol. 1, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1982, pp. 106--108

Preparation of glass-ceramics containing YIG

D. Bahadur, B. Sharma, D. Chakravorty

Journal of Materials Science Letters, vol. 1, 1982, pp. 106-108

Magnetic and electrical properties of Ti-substituted yttrium iron garnet

O. Parkash, D. Bahadur

Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 53, 1982, pp. 8228-8230

Magnetic and electrical properties of Ti-substituted yttrium iron garnet

Om Parkash, D Bahadur

Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 53, American Institute of Physics, 1982, pp. 8228--8230

Study of Na2O-SiO2-Fe2O2-Y2O3 glass by Mössbauer and EPR spectroscopy

A. Prasad, D. Bahadur, R.M. Singru, D. Chakravorty

Journal of Materials Science, vol. 17, 1982, pp. 2687-2692

Study of Na sub 2 O-SiO sub 2-Fe sub 2 O sub 3-Y sub 2 O sub 3 glass by Moessbauer and EPR spectroscopy

Akhilesh Prasad, D Bahadur, RM Singru

Journal of Materials Science, vol. 17, 1982, pp. 2687--92

Study of Na sub 2 O-SiO sub 2-Fe sub 2 O sub 3-Y sub 2 O sub 3 glass by Moessbauer and EPR spectroscopy

Akhilesh Prasad, D Bahadur, RM Singru

Journal of Materials Science, vol. 17, 1982, pp. 2687--92

Study of Na2O-SiO2-Fe2O2-Y2O3 glass by M\"ossbauer and EPR spectroscopy

Akhilesh Prasad, D Bahadur, RM Singru, D Chakravorty

Journal of Materials Science, vol. 17, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1982, pp. 2687--2692

Electron transport in hot pressed Y3-x Gd x Fe5O12

D. Bahadur, O.M. Parkash, D. Kumar

Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 3, 1981, pp. 325-331

Electron transport in hot pressed Y3- x Gd x Fe5O12

D Bahadur, OM Parkash, Devendra Kumar

Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 3, Springer India, 1981, pp. 325--331

Amorphous to crystalline transformation in yttrium-gadolinium- iron garnet (Y2GdIG).

D. Bahadur, K.N. Rai

Indian Journal of Chemistry, 20 A, 1981, pp. 496-497

Observation of magnetic bubbles and structural transformation in amorphous garnet by electron microscopy

D Bahadur, KN Rai

Materials Research Bulletin, vol. 15, Pergamon, 1980, pp. 501--506

Observation of magnetic bubbles and structural transformation in amorphous garnet by electron microscopy

D. Bahadur, K.N. Rai

Materials Research Bulletin, vol. 15, 1980, pp. 501-506

Characterisation of bubble materials

M.J. Patni, O. Parkash, D. Bahadur

Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 2, 1980, pp. 83-89

Characterisation of bubble materials

MJ Patni, Om Parkash, D Bahadur

Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 2, Springer India, 1980, pp. 83--89

Ferromagnetic resonance in Sr2+ doped rare earth orthocobaltites, Ln1- xSrxCoO3

D Bahadur, Sheelavathi Kollali, CNR Rao, MJ Patni, CM Srivastava

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, vol. 40, Pergamon, 1979, pp. 981--985

Ferromagnetic resonance in Sr2+ doped rare earth orthocobaltites, Ln1-xSrxCoO3†

D. Bahadur, S. Kollali, C.N.R. Rao, M.J. Patni, C.M. Srivastava

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, vol. 40, 1979, pp. 981-985

Infrared and nuclear quadrupole resonance studies of the phase transitions of para-dichlorobenzene

S. Ganguly, J.R. Fernandes, D. Bahadur, C.N.R. Rao

Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2: Molecular and Chemical Physics, vol. 75, 1979, pp. 923-928

Infrared and nuclear quadrupole resonance studies of the phase transitions of para-dichlorobenzene

Somnath Ganguly, JR Fernandes, D Bahadur, CNR Rao

Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2: Molecular and Chemical Physics, vol. 75, Royal Society of Chemistry, 1979, pp. 923--928

Infrared and nuclear quadrupole resonance studies of the phase transitions of para-dichlorobenzene

Somnath Ganguly, JR Fernandes, D Bahadur, CNR Rao

Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2: Molecular and Chemical Physics, vol. 75, Royal Society of Chemistry, 1979, pp. 923--928

Effect of Non-resonant Impurity Atom Substitution on the 35Cl NQR Spectrum of HgCl2

D Bahadur

Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Naturforschung A, vol. 32, Verlag der Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Naturforschung, 1977, pp. 1193--1194

Effect of Non-resonant Impurity Atom Substitution on the 35Cl NQR Spectrum of HgCl2

D. Bahadur

Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section A Journal of Physical Sciences, vol. 32, 1977, pp. 1193-1194

Itinerant electron ferromagnetism in Sr2+-, Ca2+-, and Ba2+-doped rare-earth orthocobaltites (Ln3+1-xM2+xCoO3)

C.N.R. Rao, O. Parkash, D. Bahadur, P. Ganguly, S. Nagabhushana

Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 22, 1977, pp. 353-360

Itinerant electron ferromagnetism in SR2+-doped rare-earth, CA2+-doped rare-earth, and BA2+-doped rare-earth orthocobaltites (LN1-x (3+) Mx (2+) CoO3)

CNR Rao, O Parkash, D Bahadur, P Ganguly, S Nagabhushana


Itinerant electron ferromagnetism in Sr2+-, Ca2+-, and Ba2+-doped rare-earth orthocobaltites (Ln3+ 1- xM2+ xCoO3)

CNR Rao, OM Parkash, D Bahadur, P Ganguly, S Nagabhushana

Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 22, Academic Press, 1977, pp. 353--360

Spin-state equilibrium in LuCoO3

D Bahadur

NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 1976

$ sup 151$ Eu and $ sup 57$ Fe Moessbauer studies of EuCoO $ sub 3$

VG Jadhao, RM Singra, GN Rao, D Bahadur, C NR Rao

Indian Inst. of Tech., Kanpur, 1976

151Eu and 57Fe Mössbauer studies of EuCoO3

V.G. Jadhao, R.M. Singru, G.N. Rao, D. Bahadur, C.N.R. Rao

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, vol. 37, 1976, pp. 113-117

151Eu and 57Fe M\"ossbauer studies of EuCoO3

VG Jadhao, RM Singru, GN Rao, D Bahadur, CNR Rao

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, vol. 37, Pergamon, 1976, pp. 113--117

Moessbauer spectroscopic studies of EuCoO 3 employing 57 Fe and 151 Eu gamma rays

VG Jadhao, GN Rao, RM Singru, D Bahadur, CNR Rao

Proceedings of the nuclear physics and solid state physics symposium, Bombay, December 27-31, 1974, 1975

Effect of the rare earth ion on the spin state equilibria in perovskite rare earth metal cobaltates. Yttrium trioxocobaltate (III) and erbium trioxocobaltate (III)

VG Jadhao, RM Singru, G Rama Rao, D Bahadur, CNR Rao

Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2: Molecular and Chemical Physics, vol. 71, Royal Society of Chemistry, 1975, pp. 1885--1893

Effect of the rare earth ion on the spin state equilibria in perovskite rare earth metal cobaltates. Yttrium trioxocobaltate(III) and erbium trioxocobaltate(III)

V.G. Jadhao, R.M. Singru, G.R. Rao, D. Bahadur, C.N.R. Rao

Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2: Molecular and Chemical Physics, vol. 71, 1975, pp. 1885-1893


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