Invited Talks

1        D. Bahadur delivered a Key note lecture during national conference on “Low dimensional materials, growth, optical and electronic properties’ held at Mumbai organized by DAE & MRSI during 2-4 June, 2021. The title of the talk was “0D-3D graphene systems and their derivatives for some biomedical applications”
 2        D. Bahadur, delivered a plenary talk during World Nano Congress on Advanced Science and Technology (WNCST-2021) from   held at VIT, Vellore between 8th and 13th March,2021. The title of the talk was  “Graphene derivatives and their composites: processing and applications”
 3        D. Bahadur delivered an invited talk during one day symposium on world water day on 22nd March, 2021 entitled “Graphitic Nanosystems for Waste Water Remediation” held at IIT, Bombay
 4        D. Bahadur  delivered an invited series lectures  during online refresher course in natural sciences held between 15.9.20 and 28.9.20 at HRD centre of Goa university. Lectures were on different aspects of nano materials.
 5        D. Bahadur  delivered an invited talk during the third national conference on “ frontiers in chemistry, fundamentals to applications held at BITS Goa during December 20-22, 2019. The title of the talk was “processing of 0D and 2D graphene systems and some healthcare applications”
 6        D. Bahadur  delivered an invited talk during international conference on nanomaterials for environmental applications at science centre at Goa  during March 6-7, 2019. The title of his talk was “Thermo-chemotherapy  of cancer through nanohybrids”
 7        D. Bahadur was invited to give a special lecture during Experimental Physics Refresher Course sponsored by the three Science Academies of India and conducted at the Goa University, Goa from November 12th to 27th 2018. The title of his talk was “0D to 3D Graphene and Derivatives: innovative processing and Applications in Cancer Therapy”

8        D.Bahadur was invited to give a key note lecture during national conference on advanced materials and nanotechnology held JIIT, Noida during March 15-17, 2018. The title of his talk was “ 0D, 2D and 3D graphene and derivatives: synthesis and applications in cancer therapy.

9         D.Bahadur was invited to give a popular science lecture  organized by Indian association of women scientists and NMIMS supported by BRNS, DAE held at Mumbai on 19.2.2018. The title of his talk was “Towards in vivo thermo-chemotherapy for cancer using nanohybrids”

10    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk during International conference on materials science and research  held at Dubai , Nov, 16-18,2017. The title of the talk was ‘Doxorubicin loaded dendritic Fe3O4 nanoparticles for magnetic drug targeting and tumor regression in murine melanoma model”.

11    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk during YMRM-2017 organised by Materials Research Society of India held at BARC, Dec, 10-11,2017. The title of the talk was “Magnetic oxides and hybrids at nanoscale  for some bio applications”

12    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk during DAE-BRNS 4th national workshop on materials chemistry (Energy and biomaterials)-2017 held at Mumbai university, Dec, 15-16, 2017. The title of the talk was “ Chemical processing of 0D- 3D graphene systems and some healthcare applications”

13    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk during a discussion meeting on Molecular Phenomena at the Nano-Bio Interface” during 30 and 31st March, 2017 held at Manipal University. The title of his talk is  “Synergy of Dual Mode Therapy for Cancer through magnetic nanohybrids” 

14    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk during short term training program on nanoscience and nanotechnology: fundamentals, synthesis and applications” during 2-7 January, 2017 at Sardar Patel college of engineering, Mumbai. The title of the talk was “Nanoscale materials for some biomedical applications”

15    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk during joint workshop of IIT Bombay, University of Alberta & IC- IMPACTS,25th Nov,2016. The title of the talk was Zinc oxides nanocomposites for waste water remediation.

16    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk during IITB-NTU joint symposium on healthcare technologies, held at IIT, Bombay, 26-28th September, 2016. The Title of the talk was Lipid based magnetic mesoporous nanoassemblies  for chemo resistant tumors

17    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk during international conference on nanoscience and nanotechnology at VIT university, Vellore, 19-21 Oct.2016. the title of the talk was “ 0D to 3D grapheme and derivatives: processing and some health care applications”

18    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk and chair a session during MRS -2016 conference at Phoneix, Arizona, US between 28th March-2016 and 1st April,2016. The title of the talk was “In vivo combinations therapy through Magnetic Nanohybrids.

19    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talkon “Design and Evaluation of Lipid Base Magnetic Nanohybrid for Dual Therapy”at a Workshop on Advanced Functional Materials: Synthesis to Applications organized by Department of Physics, Mumbai university in association with Materials Research Society (Mumbai Chapter)on 21st March-2016

20    D.Bahadur was invited to give a key note lecture on “Nanotechnology for Biomedical Applications” during Inaugural session at the One Day Symposium on Bionanotechnology: Future Prospects  held at Birla college of Art, Science and commerce,  on 17 th Feb, 2016

21    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk on “Magnetic Nanohybrids for in vivo Therapy for Cancer” at the Joint Indo-French Workshop Organized by the Associated International Laboratory on Solid State and Materials Chemistry (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) during 18th to 20th Jan-2016

22    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk on “In vivo dual mode therapeutics using magnetic nano hybrids” at the (ICTP) Third International Conference on Nanotechnology for Biological and Biomedical Applications (Nano-Bio-Med 2015) held at IIT, Bombay during 1-4, 2015 

23    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk  on“ in vivo combination therapy through magnetic nanohybrids “ at the Australia – India Strategic Research Fund (AISRF) Meeting -2015 held at Mohali Chandigarh during 25th –27th Nov 2015 

24    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk on Magnetic nanohybrids for in vivo therapy for cancer at the National Seminar on Recent Advances in Spectroscopy and Analytical Techniques (NMIMS) during 15th to 17th Oct-2015. 

25    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk on Dual Drug Carrier for Thermo- chemotherapy of Cancer at the 20th International conference on Magnetism ICM 2015 held at Barcelona during 5-10thJuly, 2015.

26    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk on Nanohybrids and dual mode therapeutics for Cancer at ICMAT 2015 held at Singapore during 28th June to 3rdJuly,2015.

27    D.Bahadurwas invited to be the chief guest and gave an inaugural plenary talk on “Nanohybrids for Cancer Therapy” at the 2nd workshop on Advanced Materials and Instrumentation in Bio Medical Engineering (AMIBE -2015) Allahabad during May 9-13-2015.

28    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk on “Nanohybrids for Cancer Theranostics” at NMIMS as a part of the celebration of National Education Day, at Mumbai during 11thNovember, 2014.

29    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk on “Nanotechnology – A Chemist’s Perspective” at  the Popular Science Lecture Series conducted by IWSA in collaboration with SIES College and supported by BRNS, at Mumbai during 17th July, 2014.

30    D.Bahadur was invited to chair a session as well present a paper at the 10th International Conference on the “Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers”at Dresden Germany, 10th June to 14th June,2014.
 31    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk on “Dual Mode Therapies for Cancer using Nanostructured Materials”, during INDO-US Meeting on Advanced Materials: Current Trends & Future Prospects at Manali, Himachal Pradesh May 28th–June 1st, 2014

32    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk on “Polymeric nanohybrids for Thermo Chemo Therapy”at the Polymer Processing Society Asia/Australia Conference, at Mumbai (PPS2013) during 4-7 December,2013.

33    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk on “Magnetic Nanohybrids for Thermo Chemo Therapy” at the International Conference on Magnetic Materials and Applications during 5-7th December-2013 at IIT Guwahati.

34    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk on “Multifunctional Nanohybrids for Cancer Theranostics” at AOCMF Advanced Seminar on Tissue Engineer and Research Methodology held at (Mazumdar-Shaw Cancer Centre) Bangalore during 14-16thNovermber, 2013.

35    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk on “Nanohybrids for Cancer Theragnostics” at NarseeMoonjee Institute of Management Studies School of Science on the National Education Day during 11th -12th November, 2013.

36    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk on “Controlling Magnetic Properties of graphitic Systems through innovating processing”at the JNCASR Research Conference “Chemistry of Materials’ held in Trivandrum during 14th-16th October, 2013.

37    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk on “Therapeutic performance of PEG-PAMAM dendrimers functionalized magnetic nanoparticles towards cervical cancer” at European Materials Research Society Conference (E-MRS 2013) held at Strasbourg, France during 27-31 May, 2013.

38    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk on “Hybrids at nanoscale for cancer theranostics” at National Conference on Recent trends & Technology of nanomaterials& smart devices (RTT-NSD-2013) held at Solapur University, Maharashtra, India during 18-20 April, 2013.

39    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk on “Magnetic and related properties of quantum dots of graphite and tin oxide” at an International Conference on Nanoscale& Nanotechnology (ICONN 2013)  held at SRM University, Chennai, India during 18-20 March 2013.

40    D. Bahadur was invited to attend the DBT Expert Group Meeting and to give an invited talk on “Nanohybrids in cancer therapy: advantages, limitations and challenges” at an Interactive Meeting and Brain Storming on Application of Nanotechnology in Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy at AIIMS, New Delhi during 4th and 5th March, 2013.

41    D.Bahadur was invited to give a plenary talk on “Towards Understanding Unique Properties and Exploring Specific Health Care Applications of Oxide Functional Nanostructures” at Nano India 2013, held at Trivandrum, India during February 19-20, 2013.

42    D. Bahadur was invited to an inaugural talk on “Magnetic Nanoparticles for the Biomedical Application” at National conference on challenges and opportunities for chemical sciences in 21st century held at Karnataka State higher education council, Bengaluru, India during January 8, 2013.

43    D. Bahadur was invited to give a keynote lecture on “Ferrofluids and their biomedical applications” at conference of “Indian Aerosol science and Technology Association (IASTA-2012)” held at Hotel, Fortune Select Exotica, Vashi, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India during December 11-13, 2012.

44    D. Bahadur was invited to an invited talk at Young Scientists Training Workshop “Fundamentals and Advances in Biomaterials Science and Bio-Engineering” (BIOMAT 12) held at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India during December 6-8, 2012.

45    D. Bahadur was invited to an inaugural talk on “Magnetic Nanoparticles for the Biomedical Application” at Faculty development program on “Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites: Synthesis, Properties and Applications” held at College of Engineering Pune, Maharashtra, India during December 3-7, 2012.

46    D.Bahadur was invited to give an invited talk on “Cancer theranostics through nanotechnology” at 3rd Trilateral Workshop on Nanotechnology Applications in Energy, Water and Healthcare held at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India  during November 19-21, 2012.

47    D. Bahadur was invited to talk on “Nanotechnology in Cancer Theranostics” at 52nd Annual Conference National Academy of Medical Sciences (India), with the theme of the Scientific Symposium for NAMSCON 2012 “Nanomedicine: Perspective and Potential” held at  Chennai, India, during October 13-14, 2012.

48    D.Bahadur was invited to talk on “Oxide nanocomposites for water remediation” at the First International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Clean Water held at Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India during September 14-16, 2012.

49    D.Bahadur was invited to talk on “Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in biosensing” at conference on recent Advances in Electrochemical Energy Materials and Devices held at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India during July 24-26, 2012.

50    D.Bahadur was invited to talk on “Polymeric nanohybrids for cancer theranostics” at UGC-NRCM workshop on Polymers: structure, properties and applications held at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India during July 18, 2012.

51    D.Bahadur was invited to talk on “Synergistic effects of triggered drug release and hyperthermia for cancer therapy” at Joint Indo-French Meeting of the Associated International Laboratory held at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India during July 2-3, 2012.

52    D. Bahadur was invited as chief guest and to delivered the inaugural talk on “Magnetic Nanotechnology In Cancer Theranostics” at AICTE sponsored Staff Development Program on “Recent Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology” (SDP-2012) at Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India during June 15, 2012.

53    D.Bahadur was invited to give a talk on “Hyperthermia and other stimulants for drug release: in vitro and in vivo investigations through nano particulates and hybrids” at 9th International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers held at Minneapolis, MN, USA during May 22 -26, 2012.

54    D. Bahadur was invited to give a plenary talk on “Oxides and Hybrids at Nanoscale for Cancer Theranostics” at NANOBIO 2012 Second International Conference on Nanotechnology at the Biomedical Interface  held at Amrita Centre for Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine, Kochi, Kerala, India during February 21 to 23, 2012.

55    D.Bahadur was invited to talk on “Temperature and pH sensitive nanohybrids for in vitro and in vivo studies towards cancer therapy” at International Conference on Nano Science and Technology 2012 (ICONSAT2012)  held at Hyderabad, India during January 20 to 23, 2012.

56    D. Bahadur was invited to talk on “Attacking Cancer through heat and drug” at Nagpur National Conference on Emerging Trends in Nanoscience& Nanotechnology at Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Research, Nagpur, India during 20-21 December, 2011.

57    D. Bahadur was invited to talk on “Magnetic hydrogel and hybrids for drug delivery and cancer therapy” at DAE–BRNS National Workshop on Materials Chemistry(Functional Materials) organized by Society for Materials Chemistry, India and Chemistry Division BARC at BARC,Trombay, Mumbai, India during December 7-8, 2011.

58    D.Bahadur was invited to talk on “Magnetic nanohydrogel for some biomedical applications” at the International Conference on Nanoscience, Engineering &Technology(ICONSET 2011) organized by Centre for Nanoscience& Nanotechnology at Sathyabhama University, India during November 28th–30th, 2011.

59    D.Bahadurwas invited to deliver a keynote lecture on “Smart Nano Materials” at the “Australia-India Joint Symposium” held at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia during 2nd to 4thNovember,2011.

60    D.Bahadur was invited to talk on “Development of surface engineered oxide semiconductor and nanoparticles and their nanocomposites for water purification” at the INDIA-UK Discussion meeting on Advanced Technologies for Water and Energy at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai from October 16-18, 2011. 

61    D.Bahadur was invited to talk on “Nano structures and hybrids for drug delivery and cancer therapy” at the International Conference on Biomaterials and Implants Prospects and Possibilities in the New Millennium (BIO 2011) at Kolkata from July 21-23, 2011.

62    D. Bahadurwas invited to give a keynote lecture on “Colloidal suspension for stimuli response drug release” at the International Colloid and Surface Science Symposium (UK Colloids 2011) it was held at London, UK, 4-6 July, 2011. 

63    D. Bahadur, An invited talk on “Magnetic nanoparticles for cancer therapy” during SSI Symposium on Social Responsibilities of Learned Professional Societies, Mumbai, May19-20, 2011.

64    D.Bahadur, Invited to talk on “Hyperthermia and triggered drug release for cancer through magnetic hybrids and nano particulates” at BARC Mumbai during Seminar onNanotechnology and its Applications, May 2011.

65    D.Bahadur, Invited to talk on “A warm treatment for cancer with drugs” a webinar at the ICPCNANONET Nanomaterials for Biological Applications at Bangalore on 14thApril, 2011.

66    D.Bahadur, Invited to talk on “Warm treat to cancer with drug” at the National Symposium on “Nanotechnology Present Perspective and future direction” at Patna from 9th and 10thApril, 2011.

67    D. Bahadur, Invited to talk on “Stimuli-response hybrids and nanoparticles for programmed drug delivery” at the National Symposium on Materials for Advanced Technology NSMAT-2011 at Banasthali University from 27th to 29th March, 2011.

68    D.Bahadur, Invited to talk on “Controlled and targeted drug delivery through nanoparticulates” at the International Symposium on Materials Education ISME -2011 at Pune from 26th to 28thMarch, 2011.

69    D.Bahadur, Invited to talk on “Thermo and pH sensitive nanoparticulates for cancer therapy” at the National Conference on Nanomaterials& Application: Present Position and Road Ahead” at Varanasi from 16th to 18thMarch, 2011.

70    D.Bahadur, Invited to talk on “Warm treat to cancer with drug through nano particulates and hybrids” at the University of Mumbai, Department of Biophysics, Celebrating National Science Day, Workshop on Advances in Radiation Biophysics on 28th Feb., 2011.

71    D.Bahadur, Invited to talk on “Hybrids and thermo sensitive magnetic nanostructures for therapeutic applications” at Bhopal from 14th-16th Feb. 2011.

72    D.Bahadur, Invited to talk on “Self assembled, anisotropic and porous nanostructures and some unconventional applications of Zno” at the 1st Joint Meeting of the Associated International Laboratory (AIL/LIA) held in Bangalore during July 2-5, 2010.

73    D.Bahadur, Invited to talk on “Developing magnetic nanostructures for therapeutic and diagnostic application” for a Conference on Advances in Magnetism Phenomena and Materials (AMPM 2010) held in Manali from 2-5 June, 2010.

74    D.Bahadur, Invited to talk on “Surface engineered ZnO and Fe3 O4 nanoparticles for detection and separation of toxic metal ions and organic dyes”at a Discussion Meeting on Emerging Technologies for Clean Water held in Kalpakkam on 21st and 22ndMay, 2010.

    D.Bahadur, Invited to talk on “On the interface chemistry and biology in nanomaterials: Indian Perspective” during 97th Indian Science Congress at Trivandrum held during January 3-7, 2010.

76    D.Bahadur, Invited to give a keynote lecture on “Zinc and iron oxide Nanoparticulates for environmental remediation” during International Conference on Nanobiomaterials for Environmental Applications (ICNEA 2009) at National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur held during Dec. 07-08, 2009.

77    D.Bahadur, Invited to give a Keynote lecture on “Magnetic Liposomes/Suspension for Cancer Therapy” during 63rd Annual Technical Meeting (ATM) of Indian Institute of Metals (IIM) at Kolkata held during Nov 16-17, 2009.

78 D. Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “Applications of nano-materials in biology” during 2nd Theme-based workshop on ‘Chemistry of nano materials and its application’ at Mithibhai College, Mumbai, held during Nov. 13-14, 2009.

79 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “ZnO nanostructures: Synthesis, microstrutural and physical properties” during The Theme meeting on Quantum Structures at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai held during Nov. 2-3, 2009.

80 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “Ferrofluids and hybrids for Drug Delivery Applications” during The Fourth Asian Particle Technology Symposium (APT 2009) at New Delhi held during Sept. 14-16, 2009.

81 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “Attacking cancer cell by heat and drug via magnetic nanoparticulates” during the 5th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies 2009, at Singapore, 28 June – 3rdJuly, 2009.

82 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “Nanostructured ceramics for biological applications” during the workshop on instrumental analysis and imaging nanosized materials as part of Second Iran-India Joint Conference on Nanotechnology, Isfahan, Iran, 5-7 May, 2009.

83 D. Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “Simultaneous heat and chemotherapy for cancer using nano structured magnetic materials” during the Second Iran-India Joint Conference on Nanotechnology, Isfahan, Iran, 5-7 May, 2009.

84 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “On some Bio Medical Applications of Nanohybrids” at Symposium on Nanomaterials and their Applications (SNMA 2009) held at Fergusson College, Pune, on 5th -6th March, 2009.

85 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “Multifunctional Magnetic Nanoparticulates for Cancer Therapy” at Workshop on Magnetic Nanomaterials and Their Applications (MNTA-2009) held at S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata on 27th-28th January 2009.

86 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “Self Assembled, Anisotropic Structures and Optical Properties of ZnO Nano Crystals” at International Conference on Transport & Optical Properties of Nanomaterials held at University of Allahabad on January 5-8, 2009.

87 D. Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “Magnetic nanoparticles for diagnostic and related applications” at National Workshop on Nanosensors and Devices held at IIT Delhi, on 22-23rd Dec., 2008.

88 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “Targeted drug delivery and hyperthermia for cancer therapy using magnetic nanoparticulates” at the International Conference on Recent Trends in Nanostructured Materials and their Application (ICRNM-2008) held at Dept. of Physics, Osmania University, and Hyderabad on 19-20th Dec., 2008.

89 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “On targeted drug release and hyperthermia through nanostructured magnetic materials” during 2nd Bangalore Nano 2008 Conference at JNCASR, Bangalore during 11-13th December, 2008. 

90 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “Layered Nano Materials: Some New Directions" during International conference on Molecules and Materials: New Directions at JNCASR, Bangalore during 4-6 December, 2008.

91 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk “Self-Assembled Layered Nano Materials” during International Conference on Material Science-2008 (ICMC-08) held at BARC, Mumbai 400085, on 2-6 December, 2008.

92 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “Shape forming, photomagnetic and magnetic hyperthermia studies of ferrite Nanoparticles synthesized through SHS process” during “Indo-Russian Workshop on SHS” held at Material Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore India 27-29th Nov. 2008.

93 D.Bahadur, Invited to deliver a key note lecture on “Recent trends in multifunctional magnetic nanoparticulates for biomedical applications” during an International Seminar & Workshop on medical and Pharmaceutical nanotechnology: latest developments, practical considerations and applications held at Triuchirappali, Tamil Nadu, on 25-26th Sept. 2008.

94 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “Self organization and  Shape forming of ZnO nano crystals” during JNC research conference on Chemistry of Materials held at Alleppey, Kerala, 27-29th Sept., 2008.

95 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “Smart Magnetic Particulars for Multifunctional Bio Applications” during seminar on Nanotechnology at Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering, Mumbai during 11-12th Sept, 2008.

96 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “Shaping and Functionalization of   Magnetic Nanoparticles for Energy Applications”  during Joint India-US Workshop on Scalable Nanomaterials for Enhanced Energy Transport, Conversion and Efficiency at JNCASR, Bangalore on 19th -21st August, 2008.

97 D.Bahadur, Delivered a series of four invited lectures during DAE-BRNS school on “Condensed matter interface with chemistry and biology”, March 3-14, 2008. The two main themes of the lectures were:
a.       Nanostructured magnetic materials for biological applications: Synthesis and properties
b.       Shaping, organization and fictionalization of magnetic nano particles

98 D.Bahadur, Inaugurated and gave the Key note lecture during National seminar on “Nanotechnology: Perspectives & Future”, North Maharastra University, Jalgaon, March, 2008 the title of the key note lecture was “Nanoscience& Nanotechnology: Is it just an hype".
99 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk during Satellite workshop on “Nanoscience& nanotechnology: for healthcare” held as part of International Conference on Nanoscience& Nanotechnology (ICONSAT 2008) held at Chennai Feb., 2008. The title of the talk was "Turning up the heat on cancer through nano structured magnetic particulates".

100 D.Bahadur, Invited presentation on “Magnetic fluids for hyperthermia applications” during R.I.C.H. of Bangalore Nano held at Bangalore, India, Dec. 2007.

101 D. Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “Magnetic nanoparticles for biosensing and related applications”, during IUMRS-ICAMT2007, held at Bangalore, India, 8-13 Oct., 2007.

102 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “Towards multifunctional magnetic nanostructures materials for bio medical applications”, during first Indo- Brazil workshop on "Molecular Materials Including Nano-Materials", held at National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, October 4-6, 2007.
103 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “Hyperthermia and Chemotherapy of Cancer Using Magnetic Nano Structured Materials”, INBC-06, Pune, Aug 6-8, 2006.

104 D. Bahadur, Invited to give a talk during theme meeting on “Self assembly routes for nanotech materials”, Title of the talk is “On shaping, organization and functionalization of nano-structured magnetic materials”, BARC, Mumbai, 26-28, April, 2006.

105 D. Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “Shaping and organization of magnetic nano particles”, during Workshop on Nano Technology, March 22, 2006, Bordeaux, France.

106 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “Nano structured magnetic materials for bio applications”, during fifteenth National Symposium & Workshop on Thermal Analysis, Organised by BRNS and ITAS, Jaipur, 6-8 February, 2006.

107 D.Bahadur
, Invited to give a talk on “Ferrofluid for bio applications” during UGC sponsored state level seminar on Nanotechnology:  A tiny revolution, organized by K.J. Somaiya College, Mumbai, September 21-22, 2005.

108 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “Magnetic fluid hyperthermia” during workshop on bioinstrumentation, organized by DBT, CSIO, Chandigarh, 29-30, April, 2005.

109 D.Bahadur, Delivered an invited talk on “Nanoscience and Nanotehnology: A Bird’s eyeview”, Elitex 2005, organized by DIT, New Delhi, 25-26 April, 2005.

110 D.Bahadur, Delivered an invited talk on “Nano structured magnetic materials” during National Symposium on Science, Technology and Applications of Nanomaterials, MS University, Vadodra, 21-22 March, 2005.

111 D.Bahadur, Delivered an invited talk on “Some possible novel applications Nano structured magnetic materials” during National Workshop on Nanotechnology & Ion Beam, Mumbai University, 21-22 March, 2005.

112 D.Bahadur, Delivered an invited talk on “Chemical and physical properties of nano structured magnetic materials” during Seminar on Nanomaterials& Nanotechnology, SP University, VallabhVidya Nagar, Gujarat, March 11-12, 2005.

113 D.Bahadur, Delivered an invited talk on “Processing, properties and some possible novel applications nano structured magnetic materials”, Ist National Conference on Nano Science and Technology, NCL, Pune, 7-8thMarch, 2005.

114 D.Bahadur, Delivered an invited talk on “Nano structured magnetic materials: some novel applications” during Third National Conference on Thermo Physical Properties held at Goa, Jan. 19-20, 2005.

115 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “Magnetic nano particles for cancer therapy applications” during Brain storming session on advanced Materials and applications, organized by State Council on Science and Technology, Orissa, Institute of Physics. Jan., 2005.

116 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “Magnetic nano particles for intercellular hyperthermia for treatment of cancer”, International Symposium on Advanced Materials and Processes, IIT, Kharagpur, Dec., 2004.

117 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on “Chemistry of nano materials”, National Seminar on Polymers and Nano materials, Sardar Patel University, Baroda, March, 2004.

118 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk “How useful are the nano structured magnetic materials”, during National Seminar on Advances in Materials and Processes, MS Univ. Baroda, April 3-4, 2003.

119 D.Bahadur, Invited to give a talk “Synthesis of nano structured magnetic materials for different applications”, during National Seminar on Science and Technology of Nano Materials, CGCRI, Kolkata, March 6-7, 2003.

120 D.Bahadur and D. Das, “Properties of CMR composites” (Invited),Proc. Indian   Acad. Sci. (Chem. Sci.), Vol. 115, pp 587-606, 2003.

121 D.Bahadur and J. Giri, “Biomaterials and magnetism”, Invited paper in “Frontiers of materials science” a special issue of SADHANA, Eds. Baldev Raj, 2003. 

122 D.Bahadur, J. Giri and T. Sriharsha, “Magnetic nano particles for hyperthermia applications”, An Invited talk during National Conference on Biomedical materials-2002, held at CGCRI, Kolkata 20-21 Dec., 2002.

123 D. Bahadur, Invited to give a talk on,Magnetic and electrical transport properties of LCMO-SiCN composite- a comparison with LCMO-SiO2composite” during the third international symposium on “High temperature polymer derived ceramics” held at University of Colarado at Boulder, USA, August 4-10, 2002. 

124 D. Bahadur, A series of INVITED LECTURES, during refresher course on “Materials for modern technology” organized by Department of Physics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur sponsored by UGC, Dec. 2001.

125 D.Bahadur,Invited to give a talk “Importance of structural tuning in manganites”, MRSI Medal Lecture during Annual General Body Meeting of Materials Research Society of India, BARC, Bombay, February, 1997. 

126 D.Bahadur, “Lattice effects due to substitution at La-site in Manganites, Invited presentation” during Indo-French Workshop on Recent Advances in Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, held at Udaipur, India, Nov, 1996.

127 D. Bahadur, Invited paper on “Electronic properties of quasicrystals during national symposium on quasicrystalline and related materials- present status and future prospects” held at Varanasi, March, 1995.

128 D.Bahadur,Invited lectures on “Soft and ferrites for microwave applications: Structure, properties and applications” during Short Term Course on ‘Microwave Circulators: Materials and Devices’ held at Vintek RF Product Ltd., Bangalore, Nov, 1994.

129 D. Bahadur, Invited lectures on “Structure and properties of ferrites” during Refresher Course in Physics at Goa University, sponsored by UGC, July, 1993.

130 D. Bahadur, Invited talk on “Magnetic properties of Al- based icosahedral alloys” during Discussion Meeting on icosahedral symmetry in materials organized by JNCASR at Bangalore, February, 1993.

131 D. Bahadur, Invited talk on “Magnetic ceramics during seminar on ceramics and glasses for electronic applications phospholi” by CGCRI and MRSI at Calcutta, Jan., 1991.

132 D.Bahadur, Invited article for the Journal of Physics education. The article was on physics of quasicrystals.

133 D.Bahadur, Invited talk on “Chemistry of quasicrystals” during Second Indo-USSR Seminar on Solid State Chemistry held at Bangalore, Jan., 1989.


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